Chapter 1: That Bush Tho!!

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I have never considered myself a normal kid... ever. In third grade when we went on an excursion to Grizzly park in Madison, something abnormal caught my eye. I zoned out of the guide's agonizingly boring lecture. I mean who lectures nine year olds? As I stared at the bushes for a few more seconds, something really wierd happened... it moved. I screamed for dear life when the bush started rustling. I think the scream was pretty feminine because I got some unusual looks from the other visitors and so did Mrs. Higgins as she approached me with a little bit of embarrassment. Who am I kidding? A ton of embarrassment.

"Mike! was that you screaming like my four year old niece Alice?" Mrs. Higgins asked with such bewilderment. I was paralysed with fear as I saw that the bush continued to shuffle. "M-mrs. H-higgins, I saw something!!" I managed to blurt out. She stared at me with confusion as at what I was really looking at. She, wait!! OMG!!! Did she just walk to those bushes?? Nooo!!!!! it'll engulf her!

Without hesitation, she separated the bushes and a squirrel came out looking as confused as I was. Everybody laughed at me. It was so humiliating. I guess that's what I get for watching the cabin in the woods at the age of nine.

I've done some other wierd things in high school. I come to school every morning trying to avoid some freakishly large guys like Connor and his mindless goons who, anytime they see me, do unspeakable things to me like swirlies and atomic wedgies. Why you say? It's because I'm not a normal kid. I'm actually way more than that.

Now, a normal kid who's seventeen usually starts planning for college and taking standardized tests and stuff like that. Not me. It seemed I had other plans.

When I was sixteen, I stupidly wandered off to an abandoned nuclear power station. These days kids can wander off anywhere! So as I was saying, I was alone because for one, I had no friends because of my wierd behaviours and attitudes. And to think life would be different in senior year. Secondly, nobody would be crazy enough to actually wander into a radioactive zone. I didn't really know if I was filled with bravery or just gassy because I was feeling bonkers. It didn't take long for me to feel dizzy and before I knew it, I was on the ground cold.

I woke up groggily feeling kinda unstable. Hmm that's wierd.... The fumes must have been much i guess.

"No. It's not that."

I stood up to see myself engulfed in a blue aurora that soon vanished

I screamed. This time worse than in third grade but thank goodness nobody heard that. Funny thing is I felt kind of good. The glowing blue aurora gave me strenght. I felt a thousand times stronger, faster, lighter but not smarter. Well that was fine by me. I didn't want to heighten by nerdiness. I immediately left the station vowing never to wander off again.

On my way home, I encountered the usual trouble... Connor and some of his minions. "Hey guys!! I found Mikey, he's over there", one of his brainless minions yelled. " Are you kidding me?" I thought. I really wasn't in the mood to resist them so I fled. Usually when I try running away from Connor's friends, I never make it. Nerds don't exercise!! But this once, not only did I feel fast, I was fast. I zoomed off the street effortlessly. Dodging cars and people and dog crap. Then, when they were no longer in sight, I stopped and to my surprise did't feel tired at all. " What is happening to me?" I squealed and dropped. My knees striking the concrete floor feeling a little bit light headed. A gloved hand stretched out to me "Need help kid?" A gentle masculine voice said. I looked up and saw a dark tall guy whose face for some reason I couldn't see. "Who are you?" I asked as I started dozing. " Don't worry", the dark tall figure said. "I'm a friend."


Hey guys this is the end of chapter 1. I hope it was good enough. I'm still coming up with some characters whom you will see in the next chapter or two. Please tell me how good( or bad it was). Remember, this is my first time writing a book so I need some constructive criticism. If you liked this chapter then there will be more coming up.

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