Chapter 2: Ted? Are you serious?

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"Oh man! Why does my head hurt so much? Where am I?" I stood up from bed and scanned the area. Oh! No worries , I'm in my room as I shrugged it off... Wait. How did I get to my room? Just as I was pondering on the question, my room door opened.

 " Oh Mike your awake! Thank goodness. I was so worried about you",  My mum said with relief as she rushed me with a colossal bear hug. " Mum, I'm fine!" I replied with the little air I had. I could smell the freshly baked cinnamon rolls on my Mum's gown as she continued to squeeze me. Until now, I never realized just how regal mum was. Her soft tanned skin and bright blue eyes were amazing. I guess that's where I got my eyes. My dark colored frantic hair must be from my anonymous father because I've never had my mum's hazelnut colored hair that's quite stunning. I've never seen her this at ease since my father left us when I was born. No reason or explanation no "Hey honey! I'm going out forever! be sure to leave the door open. I'll be back when the apocalypse is upon us". Anyway, that story is for another day.

Mum only makes cinnamon rolls when we have guests. "Who else is in the house?" I jerked up from bed and rushed to the door. As I opened the door, a dark tall man in a long black leather coat stood in front of me. Again I still couldn't see his face until he removed his black bucket hat. "Hey there kid, you feeling better?" I was speechless. The guy should have kept his hat on because his head was lit up like a disco ball by the chandelier in the corridor. I was going to say I was feeling better until he switched on his head lamp but judging from the scar on his right cheek, he wasn't a guy who likes jokes. The guy looked to be somewhere in his late forties. Talk of aging badly... Ugh!

 " Yeah, I'm good", I managed.

 " That's good to hear because we are going to have a long conversation", he replied.

" By the way, my name is Ted."

I held my mouth trying to stop myself from bursting into laughter. Ted? A guy so huge, with scars on his cheek and a leather jacket, named Ted? It must be a mistake! I, my mum and ( I can't stop laughing!!) Ted went down to the dining room to discuss. I have to give it to my Mum though, She has really tried a lot for me. Ever since Dad died, we had to sell the old house to get some cash to open up a cosmetic shop in Denver, Colorado. We had to rent a one room apartment for a year. Then her business started to burgeon and in six months she had 200,000 dollars. We had enough to pay for this sweet house and a BMW convertible. I really look up to her.

My Mum brought Ted a cup of coffee with a plate of freshly baked cinnamon rolls. He gladly accepted the cinnamon roll and coffee. " So... what's this conversation you were talking about?" I started. Ted swallowed his cinnamon buns in one gulp and drowned it with some hot coffee. " Well, I have been assigned by Hunnings College to monitor you". Ted said this without a hint of laughter. I'd expect that from him. " Are you joking? Since when?" I asked. " Since you were born. The school's warrut had sensed that there was a Nexus born about seventeen years ago. You and 58 others. There are 1 in 1.5 billion people born with this special "Gift". The Nexus race has existed for millennia alongside human beings  with normal genetic structures. Very few were known. I'm guessing you know Troy."

" Yeah! that magician on discovery... oooooooh! that makes much more sense!" I said.

" Anyway, There has recently been an outburst of Nexus in the world but it's getting very hard to reach them."


" Because they're being murdered."

My heart stopped.

and my Mum's cup fell as she heard this.

"What the hell man? What are you talking about?"

" It seems somebody is Hunting the Nexuses. Somebody with a warrut probably. That is why I am here Mike. To save you. "


Hunnings College has recently found a way to predict the next scene of death and you, my friend, are next.

Just as I was about to object, there was a loud rumble and the whole front of the house was demolished and in front of the door stood a hideous beast  that vaguely resembled a human being. It was about 3 times bigger than Ted, with a dented head and skin that looked like it experienced a third degree burn. One eye was bigger than the other The creature let out a scream that would send shivers down a grizzly bear's spine.

We all stood facing the monster when Ted looked at me.



Thank you guys for reading this far and I hope you liked it. This is the second chapter done. I'm pretty tired. I'll try and post the third chapter tomorrow. This Chapter Introduced a few new Character like Mum and Ted. You'll be hearing from Ted later. I really want to thank lorde_9 for taking such an interest in my book and I dedicate this chapter to you.

You guys should continue to vote and enjoy the book. Don't worry about it. Many other characters are coming.

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