Chapter 16: Did somebody call a taxicab?

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"What the hell Dan? What don't you understand by I come in peace? Have you not learnt anything at all?"

Apparently he didn't hear me and continued charging at me. I ran towards him and just as we were about to make contact, I jumped and accurately used the tip of his horns to get some leverage and made a double flip over his rump and landing safely with him eating some dust. I couldn't help but take some pride in my acrobatic feat.

There wasn't time for that. I took off. It wasn't really working because Dan was already gaining on me. My attention was drawn to the parking lot and I'm sorry to say but I scaled the teacher's cars. I have to say though, It felt good stepping on Mark's Black Mustang. That'll teach him a lesson.

Dan wasn't giving up. This time he was a leopard and he was really catching up to me. I did a little bit of parkour. Jumping over buildings, scaling fences, climbing walls and other stuff but it didn't get Dan off my tail.

I finally lost him and boy was I glad. "Thank God! That brat's off my tail!" I panted heavily. As I caught my breath and was about to go off on my bounty hunt, someone pinned me to the ground. I turned around and saw a salivating leopard with his claw on my chest. It would've taken only a few seconds for Dan to gut me like a fish. Luckily for me, somebody fired an electrocuting net at Dan as his claws were raised in mid air. Dan winced in pain with fried fur as he morphed back to human form.

"Sorry Dan!" Clarke apologized.

"I hope this doesn't mean I won't get to go for the party man"

Dan stood up and dusted the soot of his fur coat.

"You know, I wasn't gonna bite him", Dan said as a matter of factly.

"I'd rather not risk it", Clarke said.

"Oh, and by the way, you're OUT!!" Clarke added.

Dan removed the red band on his wrist since he lost.

"You don't have to tell me twice", he grumbled and walked off.

"A net? really?" I questioned Clarke.

"Don't push it", Clarke retorted setting his arrows and folding up his bow.

"You seen Josh?" He asked.

"Actually, I haven't seen anybody", I replied.

"That rascal almost blasted me out of the sky with lightning!" he exclaimed in rage.

"When I find him, I'm gonna-"

"Save it for later. Right now we have to get that ruby... wait. So if we get hit, blasted –"

"Or killed", Clarke added.

"We're out?" I asked.

"Yup. That's about right", Clarke nodded.

Clarke and I wanted to check the Games Forest which I never knew we had. The school surprises me every day. We called on a taxi and instructed him to take us there.

The windows were tinted and there was a black screen between the driver and us.

Once we reached our destination, the dark screen slowly scrolled down and revealed that cheesy smile that I couldn't forget.

"That'll be twenty five blue crystals", he turned around grinning sheepishly.

Clarke was as shocked as I was and clapped for Josh.

"Well look at you!" Clarke jubilated.

"Yeah, since when did you learn to drive?" I asked trying to imagine Josh making a living as a taxi driver on the streets of New York yelling at other cars and cussing.

"Eleven. But that's not important right now. Do not go to the park. Several idiots are planning on ambushing anyone sticking their nose out. Their plan seems to be working. Right now, we're about fifteen left. The last four standing get rewarded. So we gotta stick together. You got that?" Josh explained as he started the engine.

"We just have to be the last guys standing", Clarke mentioned.

"That shouldn't be so hard", I added.

Josh took a right turn and drove straight down to the Lake side. Clarke and I were planning our maneuvers when we noticed a dude in black who disguised his face like an ISIS soldier who slid a device under our vehicle. Before we could realize what just happened, the car somersaulted and crashed landing upside down.

Hey guys! Sorry for the late submission. I had to do some important stuff and read for my final paper. As you may see, I didn't write an author's note in Chapter 15. Why? Because I didn't feel like. Anyway, I hope you're enjoying this story. If there's anything that doesn't make sense, can you comment on it so that I can correct it.

I've also made the Chapters shorter so that It'll be easy to read and continue with your life. It also means that I can actually meet on submission schedule.

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