Chapter 10: Lousy Homecoming

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It felt as if we had gone for 15 hours when actually it was 4. Once we arrived, Mark seemed pretty angry with steam shooting out of his nostrils like in all those cartoons. He gave each of us a grade according to our performance, strength, agility, stamina and many other qualities. I got a C on the test. Jennifer was right about this guy. He really doesn't know how to give grades. Since Nathan was the one to collect the jacket and defeat the Knaruu, he and his group got an A+. Josh got a B and so did Hank. Even Clarke got a B when he was dying. This guy is totally unfair!! Well I have to give it to Clarke, His shooting skills are out of this world. The only guys that got lower than a C were the other two groups that got Fs since they didn't really do anything and they fell into a pit filled with baby alligators. When I asked Mark why he put baby alligators, he looked at me with confusion. "I didn't put any baby alligators in the pit. If I were to put anything in that pit, I would have put Oversized alligators. Who puts baby alligators in a pit? That's just sad", he said shaking his head in disappointment.

The bell rang and the class was dismissed.

"Mark has serious issues man", I complained crumpling my grades and throwing these things into the waste bin.

The dude's got Clarke in the medical ward all because of some "game" or "challenge!" I said.

"Ha! LOL! You should see him when he's in a bad mood", Hank mentioned.

"Yeah! Like there was this one time he teleported us to the pacific ocean to find the kraken, the most ferocious beast in the seven seas", Josh remembered.

"Is it too late to drop out of Shadow Arts Class?" I asked in total desperation?"

"Haha! Fat Chance!" Josh said.

The rest of the day was pretty normal. As normal as a superhero academy can be. I went for my last class which was Alchemy. We had to learn how to make chemicals for combat, defense and healing. Most guys were clumsy and plain lazy so they met Alicia to give them a hand. When I say "give them a hand", I actually mean "Give them a full set for some cash". Wow! Even heroes can be shady. That day, we had to make a chemical that could stimulate cell generation. Mr. Roberts, was keeping an eye on everybody. He literally had an eye looking at everybody because he had eyes all over his body. I couldn't think anything could get past him. Or so I thought.

"Hey! I got some super concentrated sleeping powder from last class. Let's see if all his eyes can stay open", Michael grinned evilly. Michael looked like Josh. Just a lot skinnier and well... smarter. Somebody in the class broke a test tube filled with a mist maker so the class was foggy for a few minutes. As Mr. Roberts was trying to quell everyone down. Michael blew the powder on Mr Roberts and he fell to his seat, all eyes closed shut.

"Alicia! Now would be a good time", Michael shouted.

Alicia got the message and got busy. Her hands moved swiftly mixing and measuring the right amounts of chemicals. "Done! That'll be five quartz", she replied stretching out her hands. Guys immediately brought out their cash and handed it to her.

When Mr. Roberts woke up, he was pretty impressed seeing that everybody had done their class work.

"Well done class. I'm impressed", he said yawning.

Either Michael added some amnesia dust to that sleeping powder or Mr. Roberts is usually unaware of his surroundings despite the fact that he has like a hundred eyes.

Class dismissed for the whole day. I was pretty relieved. As Josh, Hank and I were on our way to our room, we saw Augustus who had been scarce all through the day. It seems he was putting up some posters. We approached the poster to read what was on it.

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