Chapter 8: The strive begins

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The bell had rung once again and it was time for lunch. I was so nerve wracked from Mark's class that when Josh grabbed my shoulder from behind, I instantly threw him over my shoulder forcing him to land with a big thud on the ground groaning in pain. "The test huh?" Josh asked as he stood up and dusted his jeans. " Yeah, it felt so real. I was at first freezing in a blizzard before I found a tunnel that made me drown. The last one was pretty terrifying. I was falling from the sky and I couldn't do anything about it unlike the other sets of tests", I told him, shivering at the mere thought.

After a few minutes of walking in silence, we finally reached the cafeteria hall in the academy. Don't mind me when I call this place a cafeteria. There where tall lean blue glowing towers at each side of the hall making the cafeteria like some fancy pent house. There were, of course several tables in the hall but at each table, there was a machine at which you type in the type of food you want and in a few seconds, the food was on your plate. I really have to get one of those machines. Well, enough of the description already.

"Mike, over here!" Clarke waved.

"How did it go?" He asked as he came over with Alicia.

"Would you believe me if I told you it was terrible?" I told him. "Actually, yes, yes I would. I can remember my first test two years ago. Apparently, I died in the first stage which was pretty bad if you ask me", he said. Alicia seemed to have recalled, judging from her smirk. "Oh yeah! I remember. You actually thought you could go for a retest", she laughed.

"You don't need to even break a sweat Alicia! Mike, you should have seen her go! She still holds the record for the quickest finish... 5 minutes!!" Clarke exclaimed. Alicia started to redden.

"Aw! Stop it Clarke! I'm just a super nerd who's doing what she does best... passing her tests", she blushed as she wrapped her arms around Clarke's and rested on his shoulders.

I never really thought of myself having a friendship more or less a relationship. Besides, the beasts that lurked in my school were not worthy enough to be called girls. Sure they were back stabbing, fashion conscious, salad eating critters, but they never really were attractive. That or I had a serious problem with girls which I doubt. The ones that were attractive were already hooked up or were lesbians. The rest were simply in oblivion.

While I was thinking about my lonely life, Hank and Jennifer walked in; Jennifer seemed a little pissed though. "I can't believe Mark would do that to me!" Jennifer exclaimed, interrupting Clarke and Alicia's moment.

"Wait", I said trying to process what was going on.

"Are you and Mark dating?" I asked with a bit of curiosity.

Everybody on the table stopped eating their sandwiches, sipping their drinks and stared at me. Josh seemed to be the most shocked judging from the fact that he was choking on his burrito.

"Why would you think that Mike?" Jennifer retorted.

"I dunno, just curious", I shrugged taking a bite out of my pizza slice.

She sighed. " I'm not dating him. He's actually my combat mentor. The guy has issues. Mark is one of the best Shadow fighters in the world. He's also a necromancer, otherwise known as a darkness elementalist", Jennifer explained.

"He gave me a D in the combat class and I'm so pissed off right now. I've been preparing for this shit for like ever", she said getting angrier.

"Speaking of Combat class", Clarke interrupted.

"Mike, you're coming along with me in combat class. Ted says you need a guide for the class", he said.

"We gotta go. Now"

Just as he said it, the bell rang and everyone stood up at once leaving behind juice bottles, half eaten pizza and a live turkey?

Jennifer went along with Alicia for Forensics and Psychology class and Hank and Josh followed me and Clarke to combat class.

Judging from the emptiness of the room, we were pretty early. Then several guys trooped in. Some talking about the classes they flunked in while others were cracking jokes for others to laugh but sadly enough, people weren't laughing. As all of us had settled down for the class, A dark figure walked into the room. His presence alone quenched the light in the room. It was Mark, and this time, he had the head of a bull. Rumor has it that no one has ever seen his human face.

"Welcome back to this new semester. Hello Mike", Mark said with a kind of sinister voice as he fixed his bull eyes on me. He was in pretty top shape and was about 6ft 1.

"Huh! You already know my name. What are the odds?" I snorted.

"Ted told me all about your heroism and said you have what it takes. Well tell me this Mike Meyers, do you have what it takes to save the world?" He asked.

"Um, I don't really know. That's why I came here... to find out", I replied.

"Interesting", Mark smiled. Well at least tried to. I couldn't tell.

He finally removed his gaze from me.

"Today, we have a quest", Mark said.

Everyone groaned but Mark didn't seem to care.

"You will have to split into teams of four and get this brown jacket", Mark instructed.

"Well that doesn't seem so bad", one guy with blonde shaggy hair said. I think that was Harry.

"Oh really?" Mark retorted.

As soon as he said that, he vanished into a thick mist of black smoke and then reappeared.

"How about on Abraham Lincoln's nose on Mount Rushmore?" He suggested folding his arms to feel cool.

"You just had to open that fly-infested mouth of yours", Nathan growled at Harry.

"Is he serious?" I whispered to Clarke.

"Oh I'm DEAD serious", Mark answered hearing my whisper.

" How the hell are we gonna get to Mt. Rushmore? It's like a thousand miles from here!" Jake, who was right next to Harry said.

"Um... let me think. How about I book you guys flights the next morning?" He suggested stroking his furry goatee. We all looked at him in disbelief except for Harry who was too busy scratching his head.

He burst out laughing which didn't seem right or even possible with the head of a bull.

"I'm just kidding you guys. Let me teleport you there. But beware of some really nasty creatures and traps. Products of El Marko Rico!!" There was complete silence. Either from the joke Mark just cracked or the terrifying quest that awaited us. Randy must have gulped in fear. And with best wishes, we kitted up for the quest and picked up any weapon that we thought would be able to defend us. There was any weapon you could think of: swords, arrows, grenades, shurikens, katana blades and many more.

All 16 of us gathered at the centre of the training ground and then Mark started chanting something in a language I've never heard of before and didn't even sound familiar. I could feel my legs melting and changing state from solid to gas as the dark mist engulfed all of us from the bottom to the top and then, everywhere was pitch black.

Hey guys! This is the long awaited Chapter 8. Finally!! Just came back home for Mid term break. There was some serious air pollution at my school so we had to be excused two days earlier. Meaning two more days. Take it or leave it. I hope you enjoyed this Chapter and please please please, don't forget to vote, comment and share. I want to dedicate this Chapter to @Plum1229 for the awesome comments. Read on!!

Next Chapter will be out very soon. *Wink*

Till then, see ya later.


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