Chapter 3: Hunning's Academy Huh?

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I added some music to listen to as you read. Enjoy!!
"Mike! You've got to keep up! We don't have much time", Ted said while panting heavily as he ran through the streets of Denver alongside me and my very confused mum on a windy chilled night. I kind of felt sorry for my mum since she was running alongside me and Ted. The bizarre creature wasn't even after my mum so why put her in this sticky situation? After all, she has been protecting me all this while. I think I need to return a favor.

"Mum! Stop running." I yelled.

"What am I crazy? Are you not seeing that thing? It's freaking huge!! I can't stop running. I'm running out of fear!" Mum retorted.

" But Mum, it's not after you, it's after me. Besides, I don't think you can go on that long; looks like you want to explode-"

"Michael Meyers I'm not leaving you. I can't lose the other special man in my life."

I fell silent for about five seconds.

"Sorry about this Mum but I can't do this to you"


Before she knew what was happening, I shoved her aside making her crash into one of the neighbor's recycle bin. Oh I'm grounded like forever. At least I made the right choice. The monster wasn't following her, its red bloodshot eyes were focused on me.

Funny enough, nobody was on the streets. Even Connor and his entourage seemed to have disappeared from their normal spot near the subway station. Meanwhile, the creature didn't even look a bit fatigued. It shoved cars aside like plastic chairs and screamed like a mutated camel. Every glass surrounding us shattered; including Ted's sweet shades. Who wears shades at night?

We had been chased all the way to a T-junction on the street. "This way", Ted pointed towards a dark alley. "Do we really have to go there?" I moaned. I looked back. "Duck!" Ted wasted no time in reacting. This guy is a ninja! As we ducked, a massive electric pole flew above us. I managed to duck by a hair strand. I would have said the same for Ted over here but he didn't have hair... Not even a strand.

"Hold on a second." As I froze in my tracks. "Kid what are you doing?" Ted asked as he glared at me with what looked like shock and horror. Mike had another crazy idea. My last crazy idea was to wander into a closed nuclear station and look at where it got me. I diverted the creature into the Colorado's Museum of Historical Artifacts. Like other places, nobody was there. I can't blame them. That freakazoid of a creature rushed in and crashed the artifacts at the entrance. As I ran past the wax soldiers in the Civil War side, I saw a pretty cool sword. It still had a golden glow.

As every second passed, the creature approached with so much rage and frustration at having to chase me all the way to the museum. Taking the sword then seemed like a pretty appealing choice. As the creature got closer, I took a closer look at it. The skin was both wrinkled and transparent. I could see a beating heart and... Wait! Is that a body inside the beast? Inside it was a person from the looks of it, the person was a girl that was unconscious but alive. Ted finally caught up with me.

"Oh God! You, kid, are stupidly brave."

"Yeah, figured".

I had to get her out... who ever she was. The only way to kill it was to impale it. And maybe, just maybe, it'll die.

"All right then." I have never used a sword before but I remember my Mum taking me for fencing lessons during the summer. This was very different. For one, this thing was five times bigger than me and from what I've seen could rip me into two effortlessly. I slashed at its right leg and the human-like beast let out a scream. It looked more irritated than hurt and then, with its massive hand, gave me the slap of my life. You know when you tell a girl something rude and then she slaps you? Yeah, well this was and, I say this with complete accuracy, eight hundred times more painful. I got slammed against the Civil war cannon. My arm hit the cannon full force filling it with searing hot pain. If this monster could smile, I bet it would.

It then slowly approached me taking careless steps as it came closer. My left arm was throbbing but my other hand was still in good condition. I stood up and ran towards the creature. As it was about to grab me, I slid under its legs and impaled it in where its private part was supposed to be located. This time, the beast looked hurt and filled with rage.

It let out another of its deafening screams and everything in the museum made of glass shattered. My ears stung as if somebody was trying to force a banana into my ear. In that slight moment, the beast raked me and I fell face front to the ground. It grabbed me by my torso and looked at me in a definitely murderous manner. Up close, I could see it looked like someone. Someone who looked familiar but I couldn't put my finger exactly on who it actually looked like.

I tried to escape the clutches of the beast but It didn't even seem fazed. Then all of a sudden I started glowing blue like I had when I visited the nuclear station. "Oh no! It's happening again. I was glowing even brighter and brighter. I started to scorch the giant's hand. It screamed and let go of me. At least now I know how dolls and phones feel.

As the giant monster/human-like thing whimpered in pain, Ted shot it down with a ray-gun that I never saw with him before and the beast fell down and well, how would I put this? It melted leaving a liquid puddle that smelled like eight day old meatloaf.

Then I saw her.

A girl about my age or a year younger with slimy blonde hair wearing what looked like a cat suit with the fine print on the side of her black cat suit. Compared to the beasts that they call "girls" in my school, she was kind of pretty if you ask me. She was still unconscious though. Ted seemed to know her judging from the way he gasped and said," Jennifer!" and rushed towards her. " We've been looking for her for months. She was off the grid when we sent her on a mission to gain Intel from a firm at Burbank with two other agents."

"Is she okay?" I asked.

"I think she's fine and with the help of our medical team back at Hunnings, I think she'll be up and going in two days." He replied.

"I 'm guessing the person who was trying to kill you sent this... thing", Ted assumed. And maybe, if we can find out more from Jennifer, we'll be able to stop him or her from doing more damage to other Nexus.

Ted stared at me as I was steaming hot. My clothes, or what's remaining of it, were singed. "You did good kid. You actually surprised me today. You're not like the other kids at Hunnings. You're... different."

"What can I say? I ain't normal dude. You gotta see that by now."

"Tell you what."

Ted handed me a card.

"If you're considering, there's an open space. We need people like you Mike."

"But wait I-"

When I looked back, both Ted and Jennifer disappeared.

These days people think that's cool.

I glanced at the card again.

"Hunnings Academy huh?"

I slipped the card in my pocket and went to what was remaining of my house.


Hey! This is the end of Chapter three. I hope you guys liked it. There was quite a bit of action here. If you've read up to chapter three, then I suggest you keep going. A lot is gonna happen. I guess you guys have met Jennifer. She's got a role to play.

Anyway, I just want to thank you guys for the votes and I hope you continue to read it. And please if there's any error in the novel, just highlight it and send it to me I will be very grateful. So... till the next chapter.

By the way, Happy New Years!!!!

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