Chapter 5: We hit the road!

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I never thought that I would actually be excited to go to school. This was a great change for me.

It had been two days since I talked to Ted. The next day, I informed Mum that I had spoken to Ted

"So now you know huh?" Mum asked as she was making coffee in the morning.

"Yeah but why didn't you tell me any sooner?" I said as I sat down in the dining eating my blueberry waffles.

"I didn't think you were ready to hear about it. So I thought let the matter die down for a while before I bring it back to you", Mum explained.

"A lot of good that did you", I snorted.

Mum had given me a mischievous look because I started to feel unnerved.

The day after that, Ted came over to pick me up as I finished up my packing and told Mum bye.

She couldn't help but hug me which, for once, felt pretty nice.

"I'll be waiting for you my hero", She said.

"Don't forget to make friends!" She yelled as I entered Ted's Red Mercedes.

"Like that'll ever happen" I murmured under my throat.

I waved mum bye and put on my red NYC cap.

Ted sped off like speed limits didn't even exist.

What is this guy driving? Ted zoomed past cars and trucks on the road swaying from side to side and drifting at the turns without being worried. The guy had a pretty hard taste in music as he put DJ Snake's Turn down for what on the CD player all through the trip. I assume it makes to blood rush to his head. Once we were on the express, He was reaching speeds of 200 mph.

The trip was long and started to get boring. I had no cell coverage as we were driving in the middle of nowhere so I couldn't watch any videos on my phone. I started getting hungry and thirsty.

"Hey Ted. Mind if we stop somewhere for a bite? We've been on the road for six hours", I moaned.

At first, Ted ignored me and kept staring at the road.

"We're almost there", he then managed.

"We better cuz I'm starving man!" I whined as I held my rumbling stomach.

He freaking lied!! We were on the road for an extra two hours before I could actually see civilization.

"Oh! Finally", I said with great relief. We left my house at 10:40 am and had arrived at the Academy at 6:25pm. What a trip. I was so thankful when we got out of the car.

"Oh! Thank goodness it's over!! I thought I would have to eat the leather off the seat!" I said as I dusted my jeans.

Then I looked up... My jaw dropped.

To start with, the place was HUGE!!!

In front of us was a massive glass pyramid that was beautifully lit up in the Night.

"What is that?" I asked as I gawked in amazement.

"That, Mike is what shields this Academy. Considering there are enemies out there trying to get back at us", He explained. "It is powered by Quad Crystals; the most powerful and rarest energy source in the galaxy, one can say, because it's not from our planet. As a matter of fact, it powers everything in this whole academy. It also shields us from the public radar and the enemies too."

"That's why I couldn't reach you guys!" I thought.

Ted and I entered the Bentley again and drove past the glass pyramid building to the Check-In point.

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