Chapter 6: Feels like Home. Only better

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"Wake up!! All of ya!", a voice yelled from outside the door.

I laid in bed groaning and stood up to check the time on my phone.

"5:00 am? Who is this clown?" I asked, feeling very agitated. The sun had barely shone and we were already awake?

Hank woke up from sleep and didn't look bothered at all. Probably because he was used to it. Josh, on the other hand was still deep asleep. His snoring like that of the a mountain goat... literally.

"C'mon dude, we're gonna be late!!" Hank shouted as he tried to wake Josh from his eternal slumber. " Dude, I'm awake man! I got this bruh", Josh murmured in his sleep as he started groping around his bed.

I finally got the strength to get off the bed. It was just so comfy, I felt I might as well sleep myself to death. Now wouldn't that be great?

After we all struggled to get up and dress up, Josh opened the door, still rubbing his eyes from the sleep.

"Get up! You lousy worms!! We don't have much time. Heroes are early to rise ", the man yelled. This guy didn't look like a superhero. He seemed to be in his early forties and was a pretty short man with a huge bald spot at the center of his head. Judging from his protruding pot belly, he had given up on exercise or vice versa. He somehow resembled a stout billy goat with his long neatly trimmed goatie.

As we were walking downstairs, Hank and Josh told me about the breakfast meals that were second to none in this world. I'm surprised they weren't fat. Then they explained to me the intense and rigorous training we had to go through. Then at the end of the month, a selected group of people would be chosen to go on a mission.
"Yeah! The big dude's right", Josh agreed. "We were pretty good last month, so they put us up for a mission."
"Unfortunately, somebody had to jeopardize the mission", Hank said with both eyes on Josh.
As Josh was about to speak, he was cut short by laughter.
As we looked around, the cafeteria was filled with so many people sitting down at different tables laughing together, chatting and sharing jokes and of course things outside the norm like sitting someone's butt on fire,  making somebody's food invisible and other kinds of crazy stuff. You know. Teenage stuff.

"Hey! There you are guys! I've been looking all over for you. Lemme guess... Josh couldn't get out of bed", she said.

"Ding! Ding! Ding! We have a winner!" Hank announced as he hugged her.

"Hey! I'm a slugger okay!" Josh argued. "I just needed some time to think", he said as he also hugged her.

She stared at me.

I recognized her immediately! She was the girl trapped inside that monster I took down the other day. She looked oddly different. Somehow brighter and more vibrant. Her long wavy golden hair was gleaming in the sunlight that now came up and I couldn't help but stare into her mystical grey eyes.

"And you must be Mike", she finally said. Stretching her hand out to shake me. I checked if her hand was ablaze before I shook it.

"Yeah, and you're Jennifer right?", I asked nervously.

"Thanks for saving me. Ted told me about your quite heroic deed back there. I owe you", Jennifer said.

"You know her?" Josh asked amazed.

"Dude? you have to use that brain of yours. She said he saved his life", Hank said as he smacked the back of Josh's head.

"Hey! Watch it man!", Josh retorted.

These guys are major clowns. And I guess Jennifer already knew.

"C'mon guys! I've been saving seats for you. Thank goodness there was an extra spot for you Mike.", Jennifer said as she motioned towards the spot she saved for us.

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