Chapter 3

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I exhaled a big sigh of relief as my feet hit solid ground. My legs were trembling slightly and I felt like as if I might collapse and fall down from exhaustion.

"Are you all right, ma'am?" the flight attendant that was saying bye to the passengers asked me. I smiled gratefully to her before nodding and walking off towards the toilet I saw Emily head into. 

I waited outside in a shop that was a safe distance away. It was morning again in America and I needed another big dose of caffiene. My eyes started to droop until I spotted a bright white silk shirt appear and walk out of the bathroom. Emily had changed and was going straight to her destination. Slipping on my sunglasses once again. I followed her to the elevator. She clicked the down button but she was too impatient to take the elevator. She clicked her tongue and headed towards the escalator instead. 

Just when I was about to follow her, the elevator dinged and it opened. I watched with interest this strange technology that I have hardly ever seen before. Curious, I walked in and clicked the ground floor button. The elevator doors slip close and it shook slightly as it started to move downwards. I grabbed the handle bars and leaned on the metal walls to stabilise myself.

"Ground floor," the female computer voice said and the doors slid open to reveal a very mad looking Emily, one hand on her hip, the other holding her bag. 

"Oh crap," I muttered to myself. 

"Natasha. What the hell are you doing here?" Emily growled at me quietly as she entered the elevator and pressed the top floor. I leaned against the wall as I smiled nervously. 

"You knew, Emily?" I chuckled nervously and leaned away from her. She turned to me and took off her glasses to show her angry and determined eyes. 

"I knew the minute you started trailing me in Japan. Are you out of your mind? Your father will be sick worried about you," she said, glaring at me. 

Somehow, I found it within me to face her. I breathed in. straightened and looked her dead in the eyes. 

"I have three years until I inherit the company. I want to experience life before I'm stuck behind a desk in an office. The best way to do that is to help you in your mission to take down the Graysons in the Hamptons," I changed my language to Japanese. I knew that there will be surveillance cameras in airport elevators. 

"I don't need help. Takeda will be furious once he finds out what you have done. Go  back to Japan, Natasha. You're not needed here," her words hit me, hard. But I shook it off and continued. 

"I left a note for him. I'm not going back, not for a while," I took her arm gently and looked at her. 

"Please, Emily, don't send me back. Let me help you. Didn't you say I could come to you whenever I needed it?" she hesitated and stared straight ahead. I could see the gears working in her head to choose what to do. Finally, after a few seconds, she sighed heavily and closed her eyes. 

"Fine. But if you interfere with what I'm aiming to do once... then-" 

"I'll leave. Got it," I cut her off and she turned and looked at me. She nodded, satisfied and moved forward to click the ground floor again. 

"So are we going straight to the Hamptons?" My heart raced slightly at the thought of seeing the Hamptons. It slowed down when Emily shook her head. 

"First, we go and collect a certain computer nerd," she winked and the elevator doors slid open to the ground floor once again. 


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