Chapter 3 - PART III

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Emily and I waited in the Mercedes as Nolan went to change. I sighed as I took off the hat and glasses, keeping them in the pocket behind the seat once again. Emily watched with a slightly guilty expression on her face. 

"Sorry. It's the only way," she said. I shook my head. 

"No, it's not your fault, don't worry," I told her. She gave a humorless smile. We stayed in silence for a few seconds, brooding over what was going to happen next. 

"How long have you known Nolan?" I broke the silence. Emily glanced at me before she tilted her head to think about it. 

"When I first got out of Allenwood, Nolan was the first person I saw. In his hands, he held my infinity box. He was also the one that told me that I owned forty nine percent of his company because my father was the first man that ever invested in it," she explained, her eyes staring through the window and her mind somewhere else once again. It was always interesting to see this side of her. 

"You really trust him, don't you?" I asked. Emily scoffed and shook her head. 

"He is important to me. But trust? There's still a certain line between me and him. There was a lot of things he didn't tell me before and I had to find out the hard way. Some of them made sense, some of them just made me angry," she finished her sentence quickly as she spotted Nolan walk out of the building wearing a smart beige suit with a dark cotton button up shirt underneath. His hair that was once darkened by his sweat was now bright and blonde. 

He opened the car door and slid in, putting his bag on the other seat. 

"Nice ride," he complimented the car. Emily simply nodded and turned on the engine, driving off towards the direction of the Hamptons. As the car made its way down the road, the rhythmic movement of it made my eyes droop. I still hadn't got a good night's sleep yet and I was exhausted. Emily noticed because she gave me her jacket and patted my arm.

"Take a nap. I'll wake you up when we reach my beach house," she told me quietly. Relieved that I had been given permission, I used her jacket as a blanket and leaned back on the seat, letting my mind drift off into blissful sleep. 


An irritating pain in my neck made me open my eyes. I groaned and my vision, slightly blurred, took in the insides of Emily's car. I blinked slowly a few more times and I saw that the car was parked near a beautiful beach house. I leaned forward but stopped short when the aching pain of my back made me groan once again. 

"How long have I been sleeping? Goddamn," I muttered to myself and unlocked the seatbelt, folding Emily's jacket and putting it nicely on the back seat. I rolled my shoulders before I opened the car door, standing up and stretching with a sigh of relief. 
I examined the beach house, a pleasant combination of white and light blue with a wood porch. Crossing the road, I realized that there was a seat swing at the side of the house. That must be the swing that Emily was talking about, the one that a "Jack" fixed for her earlier last summer. I took off my boots and socks and let my feet sink into the sand with a sigh of bliss. I could never get tired of the feeling of bare feet on silky beach sand. 

I closed the door lightly and walked around the corner. A mutter of voices made me stop again and I stiffened. I walked up lightly to the window and stood against the wall. As I peeked in, I saw Emily grab the cloths off the furniture and yanking them off, sending clouds of dust spiralling into the air. 

"So Takeda was behind Amanda's return, baby bump included? Kidding!" I heard Nolan say. I stifled a grinned when he said that. I remembered Amanda, the one who was the real Emily Thorne. She was the trusty friend of Emily that had swapped names with her in order to fulfill her mission. She was wild and daring in everything that she did. As a friend, that would be fun. As an ally in the mission, it is dangerous and risky. No wonder father tried to get her away from the Hamptons. I hardly ever got to talk to her, only a few sentences here and there. 

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