Chapter 3 PART II

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Emily's Mercedes easily slipped into the parallel parking outside of a large building that said: 

New York Boxing Club 

I looked at Emily with an inquiring look as she turned off the engine and sighed as she leaned back on her seat. 

"What are we doing here?" I asked. She grinned as she thought of something. 

"We're here to pick up Nolan Ross. I'm sure that you've heard of him in the business," she looked at me expectantly like it was a test. The name immediately rang a bell in my head. Nolan Ross,the young successful CEO of Nolcorp and listed as sixth youngest billionaire.

"You're friends with THE Nolan Ross?" I asked in disbelief. 

"He visited my dad several times in prison to try and figure out ways to prove his innocence. He was the one that gave me the infinity box and was also asked to take care of me by my dad. He's done a  pretty good job for the past year," she explained as she unlocked her seatbelt. She looked around her car and took out a hat from the pocket behind the passenger seat. 

"Wear this. And these fake glasses. Some people might have seen you before with Takeda. We don't want to take any chances that you might be caught," she handed me the glasses and indicated for me to put it on. I frowned at her. 

"Really? I could just take anyone down," I argued at first but stopped when Emily gave me a steely glare. I sighed and nodded in defeat as I put the hat and glasses on, feeling slightly dorky. She nodded in satisfaction and opened the car door. I followed in suit and we walked straight into the entrance. 

We at first walked into a plain looking office. The large man sitting in front of the computer stared dully at the screen before he saw Emily walk in. He immediately straightened and cleared his throat. He ran his hands through his hair and smiled pleasantly at us. 

"How can I help you?" he asked, his eyes trailing down and examined Emily's body in appreciation. He did the same to me but I simply shook my head in disgust and turned away, observing the office while listening to their conversation. 

"I'd like to know where Nolan Ross is practising currently. I'm here to pick him up and it's easy to get lost in here," Emily's voice said sweetly. A few clicks of the keyboard told me that he was already following her request. So much for customer privacy. 

"He's in room 3 over that side. He's in the ring with the coach," he said to Emily. I turned my head slightly to see Emily smile seductively before taking my arm gently and guiding me to the door that said room 3. 

"That's gross, Em," I whispered to her. She shrugged and pushed the door open. Immediately the smell of sweat attacked my nostrils. I coughed and attempted to keep a straight face as I looked around the room to see dozens of men exercising. There were some men doing boxing, sit-ups, push-ups, skipping and many more activities. The only light provided were windows on the ceiling, shining down on them and bringing out the sheen of sweat on their bodies. The smell of the sweat was lingering in the air and made me consider going back out into the car. 

"Emily," I wheezed. Her face was also slightly wrinkled at the smell. 

"Don't worry, it's only for a while," she said and directed me through the room filled with gym equipment. We finally reached the boxing ring at the end of the room. Two men were circling each other, one was wearing the regular gym clothes and holding two boxing pads, shouting at the other to motivate them. The other one was slightly skinny, although he had muscles that were toned. He was tall and looked lanky at first, but when he punched the pads, his movements were swift and fast. His blond hair was soaked with sweat and darkened as well. The man boxing in front of us was the genius Nolan Ross. 

I glanced at Emily who was watching with appreciation. 

"So he's finally decided to do something about his self-defense," she muttered to herself as she shook her head. I raised an eyebrow before I continued watching Nolan punch at the pads, yelling out in effort. 

 "And stop! Good round today, Soft Paw. All right, tomorrow?" the coach praised him, clapping Nolan's back. 

"Yeah,yeah," Nolan replied as he high-fived the coach. He started to get ready for the next round, jumping on the spot and evening his breathing. He was so distracted that he didn't notice Emily go up the stairs of the ring and stand at the ropes.

"Soft paw, is it?" She called out to him. I watched from below, interested about how Emily let her guard down in front of him. I saw Nolan stiffen at the sound of her voice and slowly turned to face her. I watched his face light up and grin. 

I couldn't hear the next sentence of the conversation as Nolan's voice lowered, mentioning something about 'Bruiser'. Nolan walked to her, a happy expression on his face. 

"Hello Nolan," Emily finally acknowledged him, a genuinely pleasant smile on her face. To put such an expression on, this man must be important to her. 

"Ems.... where the hell you been?" He complained as his expression dropped and became one of concern and curiosity. 

"Regrouping," she replied and stepped down the ring. Nolan swooped underneath the ropes and also took the steps down. 

"Really? Eight weeks, no word? I was beginning to think that I was never going to see you again," he complained to her, a slight hint of anger in his tone. They both walked towards me, conversing as they did. Nolan stopped when he saw me.

"Who is this?" he asked with a raised eyebrow. I felt my heart race slightly in excitement and nervousness, meeting Nolan Ross for the first time. I kept my chin up high as Emily stood next to me. 

"Nolan, this is Natasha Takeda. Takeda's daughter and inheritor of Takeda Industries in three years," she gestured to me. Nolan stared at me, like as if judging me for a score. He glanced at Emily for approval and she simply gave a small nod. Satisfied, Nolan gave a small smile. 

"Hi there Nat. You should know who I am," he put his hand out at first to shake but realized he was wearing boxing gloves. He grinned nervously to both of us and just gave a small bow to me. I stifled my laugh and bowed to him as well. 

"It's an honour to meet you, Mr Ross. You are well known in the industry and I have always wanted to see you in person," I told him. His grin grew wider. 

"Oh please, just Nolan. You could have seen me any time. I would have welcomed you," he shrugged. I smiled, flattered by his kindness. 

"Even if she wanted to, she couldn't. Takeda has her kept in the house with tight security," Emily explained, looking at me. Nolan raised his eyebrows but didn't comment.

"So.. boxing? I'm impressed" Emily started walking her way to the exit. Nolan and I quickly followed. Nolan grinned as Emily praised him, walking cockily. 

"And weight training..." he paused as he did a swoop to stand in front of Emily. I raised an eyebrow. 

"And Karate," he put a slightly Asian accent as he said it and realized I was still walking next to Emily. He laughed nervously and continued his sentence. 

"Never know when a white haired maniac is going to pop out of the shadows with a knife or a gun or shoe bomb... unless... you didn't go finish the job did you?" his eyes became wide as he imagined the worst. 

"My priorities have shifted. Wanna go for a drive?" Emily told him as we slowly reached the doors. I pushed it open for both of them. Nolan tilted his head as he considered the offer.

"Sounds vaguely revengey. Where to?" Although it was a question, Nolan's voice told me that he already knew where. Emily smiled smugly as she fastened her pace. 

"Back to the Hamptons," she walked ahead of us. My heart raced slightly at the sound of the word while Nolan and I shared an excited look. We were going to the Hamptons. 

Ugh, this part I didn't do so well.... so sorry people. I think I'm going to make a part 3 for this chapter because it seems to short.

Thank you to those people that read it. Please look forward to the next part. 

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