Chapter 4 - PART III

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When we reached the beach house, Emily was already back and changed from her previous clothes. She was now wearing a light aqua shirt with white pants. She looked up from her laptop once we walked through the door. 

"Hey, Nat, did you see much?" Glad that I finally heard my own name, I sighed and nodded, sitting on the chair opposite of her. She leaned back and watched me. I considered telling her about Charlotte but I recalled her previous warning. 

Whatever you do, steer clear of the Graysons 

The sentence echoed in my head as I made my decision. 

"Does seeing the Porters count?" I shrugged. Her attention was immediately fully on me once I mentioned 'Porters'.

"So you met Jack?" her voice sounded different when talking about him. 

"Yeah, we met him," Nolan answered for me when I didn't reply. 

"I also met Declan," I continued. Emily nodded in satisfaction. Nolan took the opportunity to cut in again. 

"Hey Ems. Your buddy here also met Amanda," Nolan and I waited for her response, whether she would explode or just be cool with it. 

"Good," was all she said. Nolan's jaw dropped. Emily noticed and cast him a questioning look. 

"What?" she asked. Nolan shrugged as he tried to convey his point. 

"I don't know, I thought you would be a bit more concerned about it," he said, using his hands and waving in front of himself towards her, like trying to give her his point of view. 

"Amanda's risky. Unfortunately, after the many events of me trying to get rid of her, her trust is a little shaky. So if she has a new friend to rely on, we could get the new friend to deliver messages for us," Emily looked at me pointedly. A small flower of pride bloomed in chest, finally, Emily was entrusting me to something. But there was a slight problem. 

"But she doesn't know that I'm with you. She thinks I'm Alex Wallace," I told her. Once I mentioned the surname of the fake identity, she whipped her head to Nolan.

"Wallace?" she inquired. Nolan shrugged as he gave a small grin. 

"I thought it was fitting," he told her. Emily sighed and rubbed her forehead with her fingers. 

"Fine, fine," she waved a dismissive hand.

"What's wrong with Wallace?" I couldn't help but ask. I glanced at Nolan but he simply gestured to Emily to explain. 

"Wallace is my mother's maiden name," she said quietly. I inhaled slightly and nodded, unsure of what to say after this small arrival of news. 

 "Oh, right," I said awkwardly.

"Don't worry for now. Just keep talking to Amanda and build up her trust with you, that way, we can use you as an insider in the Stowaway. When the time is right, reveal your relationship with me," Emily said. I turned to Nolan and gave a victorious grin. He sighed slightly in defeat and turned away to the kitchen. Looks like I won't have to wear that pink frilly dress after all. 

"So, where'dya go today, Ems?" he asked loudly, opening the cupboard to check for any food. He shook his head at the empty shelves and opened the fridge to find it fully stocked with fresh food. 

"Grocery shopping?" I asked with raised eyebrows. Emily continued typing on the laptop. 

"That and the rehabilitation centre," she told me. Nolan straightened, walking to the island kitchen bench and putting some eggs on it. 

"You went to see your half-sister?" Nolan asked, gently kicking the fridge door to close it.

"Yeah. She's in rehabilitation and she looks great. She invited me to the Memorial Day Party," she smiled smugly at an impressed Nolan. 

"Told you that Daniel isn't the only way to get near the Graysons," she said and lightly closed her laptop. 

"So, are we all going to the Memorial Day Party?" Nolan asked and gestured to me. I whipped my head to Emily excitedly to see her response. She nodded as she stood up.

"It's about time you got to know the Graysons, Natasha. My enemies since the day they took my father," she said, her brown eyes glinting with anger as she picked up the laptop and put it in the secret storage cupboard and covering it with the wooden sheet. 

"But first, we need to get you into a dress," she pursed her lips in to a thin line and pulled me up the stairs with Nolan winking at me. 


The soreness on my heels were already killing me. I winced slightly when I nearly fell off into the sea when I tripped slightly on the dock leading to the large ship filled with rich people in suits and fancy dresses. The boat was elegantly decorated with flowers and cloths, a light purple that complimented the boat. 

"Emily, are these heels actually necessary?" I complained, referring to the silver three-inch heels on my feet. Emily looked at me and gave a small chuckle. 

"I know it hurts, Nat, but it suits you really well," she waved her hand to my entire outfit. She had lent me a tight white dress that reached above my knees and hugged at my figure. Over my shoulders, as sleeves, was a complicated black oriental thread design. 

"You've got the figure for it," Nolan said as he caught up with us, wearing a black suit with a red cravat. 

"But still," I sighed heavily and proceeded to run my hand through my hair until I remembered that Emily had tied it up into a elegant neat bun. I glanced over at Emily, wearing her sunglasses. She was wearing a vibrant red dress that hugged at her hourglass figure. Her hair was sweeped over to the side to show off her earrings. 

"It's fine, you look good," she said and we continued walking towards the dock. Her eye caught sight of someone and she gave a wave. I followed her line of sight and saw a very familiar young man from a photo that I had seen. Wearing a similar suit than I had seen before in the photo and leaning against the handlebar while holding a drink was Daniel Grayson. 

He gave a reluctant wave to her and continued talking to the older man next to him who was also leaning against the railway. He glanced at Emily and said some words to Daniel who continued drinking his alcohol. 

"Ah, poor little Grayson. Slightly heartbroken and sculling alcohol like nobody's business because Emily Thorne returned the ring," Nolan's voice was amused as he raised his eyebrows at Emily. She shook her head and gave him a grim expression. 

"Nolan, there's no need for you to recount the events," she said bitterly and walked forward, reaching the boat. As the crowds grew a little thicker, we saw a portrait of a pale woman with dark streaming hair. Her red vibrant lips were upturned slightly in a small smile as she stared straight at us. Her eyes however, did not show the emotion that her face does. 

Victoria Grayson. 

"Creepy," Nolan commented as we all examined it. I didn't say anything but in my head, I agreed. 

"You think she's somewhere staring up at us?" his amused voice made me turn to Emily to see her reaction. Her expression was steely as she ignored him and walked forward onto the boat, leaving me and Nolan. 

"Is she... all right?" I queered quietly. Nolan shifted closer to me. 

"Victoria had most of the evidence that would have exonerated David. But it all burned into fiery frustrations in the plane crash," he explained, his voice barely audible. 

"Most?" I widened my eyes hoping to get more information. Realized that he said too much, Nolan's mouth snapped shut, tilted to give a nervous smile and he quickly walked forward onto the boat. I slapped my leg lightly in frustration. So close and yet so far. 

Looks like I'll have to try my best to find out what both the Graysons and Emily is up to. 

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