Chapter 5

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"Is there anyone that I should try to avoid?" I asked Nolan as we both walked through the boats, surrounded by several people, their age ranging from 20's to 50's. The boat was large and spacious, yet with the amount of people on it, it made me feel cramped. Not to mention, the slight wobble of the boat once in a while made me grip onto the handlebar like as if my life relied on it. 

"Uuuuhhhmmmm...," Nolan pondered as he looked around. I spotted a light brown skinned lady, her darkish brown hair was in voluminous curls and framed her slim face. Her eyes stared around the room cautiously, like checking that the party was going well. She pursed her dark lips when she saw how crowded it was, brushed her pink beige dress and walked forward. 

"Stay away from her," Nolan followed my line of sight and was looking at her as well. 

"Who is she?" I watched her smile to a few middle aged women and talk to them, patting their arms and nodding to them. 

"Ashley Davenport. She was Victoria Grayson's right hand woman. But now that the queen is gone, she is slowly taking over the throne," he explained. I saw Emily walk up to her, greeting her as she did. Once Ashley noticed her, her eyes hardened slightly but she still smiled warmly at her.

"Does Emily know her well?" I watched the two exchange words and hug each other, Ashley's body language looked uncomfortable. Then Daniel appeared behind Ashley, putting his arms around her. A clear sign that the two were an item. 

"Yeah... I guess you could say that," he cleared his throat once he noticed the awkward situation. 

"Go have a look around, we'll meet up with you soon," he said as he took two red drinks from a waiter and walked towards Emily, offering it to her. I decided to leave the two to whatever they were planning to do. 

If Daniel Grayson was on the boat, it meant that his sister, Charlotte was as well. My heels clacked against the wood as I searched around for her light brown hair. I spotted her instantly. She was wearing a white dress with a vibrant flower pattern painted on. 

"Charlotte?" I called out to her. Her head turned slightly at the sound of her name. She glanced around until she caught sight of me waving at her. Her eyes widened before she smiled and walked to me, the same man Declan and I saw before trailing her. 

"Hey! Alex, right?" she ensured as we approached each other. I got ready for a handshake but instead got greeted by a hug, surprising me. 

Why were Americans so friendly? 

"Yeah, that's me," she nodded enthusiastically as her eyes scanned my dress. 

"You look great!" she complimented happily. I felt myself blush as she giggled. An older man appeared behind her, wearing a grey suit and patterned tie. He was the man that I saw talking to Daniel Grayson earlier, the same sweep of grey hair. 

"Charlotte, is that you?" he asked, a cheeky smile on his face. Charlotte's mouth opened to form an 'o' as she turned around. 

"Daddy," she smiled and they embraced each other. My memories immediately brought a name to the face. Conrad Grayson, the man that was mainly responsible for Emily's father's death. The one that worked with the terrorists and brought down flight 197. 

My heart skipped a beat, meeting the man that had done such cruel things. But to my surprise, he was not how I expected him to be. Emily had told me the stories of the horrible things that he had done and this man did not seem like the one that was described to me. He looked almost innocent, a man that simply loved his daughter and nothing more. 

"Oh darling, you look radiant!" he grinned at her as both of them shared a happy moment. I stood, watching them. If only my father acted like that.... smiling, warm.... happy....

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