Chapter 4

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I spotted the Stowaway almost instantly. A pleasant and friendly aura seemed to radiate out of it. Immediately I wanted to go inside and have a look until I saw the paper sign on the door. 


I groaned inwardly in disappointment, I was hoping that I could meet some people in there. I guess not. I slowed my walking pace along the docks and examined the boats with interest. I stopped at this particular one. 

It was big and long, just like any other boat. But at the bottom half, painted gold against the blue bottom half was the word: "Amanda" 

I widened my eyes in realisation. The "Amanda", the boat that was owned by "Jack". Emily had mentioned something about it before. It was the one that he named after Emily... or well... her real name, Amanda. I continued observing it, so focused I didn't notice a woman walk out of the bar, leaning back slightly because of the large bump in her stomach. She was wearing jean shorts with a tank, her dark blondish curls spilled over her back as the wind made it fly slightly.

Amanda Clarke, the real Emily Thorne.  

She was about to go on the boat until she spotted me. Her eyes narrowed slightly and she started to walk towards me.

Crap! Should I talk to Amanda? Would Emily be mad? I didn't have time to make a final decision before she stood in front of me, her eyes watching me carefully. 

"Hey there. What's your name?" she asked me, her voice raised to be heard over the wind. 

"Uh... Na.. I mean Alex. Hi," I stuttered slightly. Amanda raised her eyebrows at me, still watching me. I tensed, waiting. 

"Did we meet before?" she asked. I shrugged, trying to act casual. 

"I'm a friend of Nolan's. Does that help?" I replied evenly, hoping that she wouldn't continue sniffing around. 

Once she heard Nolan's name, she leaned back, satisfied with the answer. She grinned, showing her pearly white teeth. 

"That makes sense. Hey, I'm Amanda," she held her hand out. I shook it with a grin. I guess when I'm not wearing my traditional training gear, she can't recognise me. I gestured to the boat. 

"Is there a connection here?" I indicated to her as well. She laughed and nodded. 

"Yeah, it's my boyfriend's boat. Kinda named it after me," she shrugged modestly, her expression happy as she said that sentence. Although I laughed with her, I knew that she wasn't the real Amanda. Although it made me slightly infuriated, I shook it off and tried to act normal.

"So what's up with the bar? Not open?" I asked. Amanda glanced back at the bar and her expression dropped. 

"Yeah, I was just going to check with my boyfriend about it," she said. She looked over at the boat and gave me an apologetic look. 

"Sorry, I need to talk to him. Meet up sometime?" she asked as she started to walk towards the boat. I lifted my eyebrows in surprise at how forward she was but nodded anyway. She gave a grin and disappeared into the boat. I continued watching it bop up and down gently on the water. I've always swum in the sea, but never really been on a boat. Wonder what it felt like...

Suddenly, the boat moved a bit more violently as a young man got out of the boat, an annoyed expression on his face. He had curly wavy hair and a thin face. His brown eyes were narrowed and glaring down on the wooden docks as he made his way off the boat and towards me. He was so concentrated that he walked straight into me. 

I yelped as I stumbled backwards, nearly crashing into a limestone wall. The man immediately looked up in shock and grabbed my arm, pulling me towards him. That action made me crash into his chest. I felt my cheeks heat up and immediately took a step away from him. He himself was blushing when I looked into his warm brown eyes.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to do that," he said guiltily as he dug his hands into his pockets. I waved a dismissive hand. 

"No, I'm fine. I saw you first, I should have moved out of the way," I replied. He nodded in relief. 

"Are you new?" he rocked on his heels, looking like an innocent teenage boy. Immediately, I felt comfortable around him. For some strange reason, he seemed easy to get along with. 

"Yeah, came in this summer," I shrugged. He spread his arms. 

"Welcome to the Hamptons, I guess. What's ya name?" he asked. 

"Alex," I grinned at him. I held my hand out and he shook it, his hands warm and firm.

"Declan. Declan Porter," he replied. I gestured to the Stowaway with my head. 

"You the owner of the place?" he shook his head almost immediately, like as if he didn't want to be included at all.

"No, it's my brother's. It was my father's but he passed away last year," his voice went quiet as he realized what he said. I immediately felt guilty. 

"Sorry," was all I said. He waved his hands. 

"Nah, it's not your fault," he replied. I tried to change the conversation. 

"Any special reason why you guys are closed down?" Hoping that would distract him, I tried to make the conversation more casual. I have to admit, I wasn't used to it, I did not talk to teenage boys back in Japan and I still didn't know whether this conversation to him sounded normal at all. 

"We have a health hazard going on. We want to open up and get it running to get some cash into the account to help raise the baby but we're currently stuck," Declan sulked as he glanced back at the boat. I smiled sympathetically at him. 

"Must be tough," I told him. He chuckled. 

"You have no idea," he shrugged. He looked around before looking back at me. 

"Hey... you wanna go grab a bite somewhere? You know, to pay back for bumping into you," his expression immediately grew shy and I felt my cheeks heat up once again. I tried to think quickly before I replied him. Emily and Nolan would be busy doing something, so I guess I had a few hours to spare. 

"Um... sure. But you will have to pick the place, I have no idea where to go," I shook my head and he laughed as he nodded. 

"No problem. I know just the place to eat," he gestured to the path that headed into town. I gulped, grinned at him and followed. 

Weird? Not weird? I'm not sure.....
Don't worry, I fully support Declan and Charlotte. It's just that I know at this part of the series, their relationship isn't going so well so I decided to let Natasha get to know him a little. 
So this is the first part. I have to add in a bit more 'revengeyness' soon so look forward to it~ 

Thank you for reading brus~ 

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