Chapter Four

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Tyler, Keith, Mel, and I were headed to my brothers house. I hope he found Aija and Ava, I can tell that my brother really likes her. I like her for him, she'll keep him in his place. And Ava's an adorable baby that I will most definitely spoil.

"So, why you be playing around with a nigga?" Tyler asked with a somewhat sad face. I looked in the backseat and Mel and Keith were both sleeping on each other, which was so adorable.

"I'm just afraid. You know I hate the things that you guys do. I don't want to be deep into a relationship with you and then something happens, my heart wouldn't be able to take that." I whispered.

"You know we all have each other's backs ain't shit gone happen to us, we got God and each other we good. That's just an excuse that you're using. What's the real reason? Is it that dumb ass nigga Xavier?" He asked.

Xavier is my ex-boyfriend. He and I met in my junior year in high school and dated until I was 20. It was our three year anniversary and I went over to his house because all day he didn't call or text. I assumed he had a surprise for me, so I got dressed and went to his house.

When I pulled up to his house there was another car in the driveway that I didn't recognize. I went to his door and knocked. I waited for a minute and no one answered, I went to the flower pot in the corner of his porch and got the spare key to his house. I unlocked the door and went in. The first thing I seen when I opened the door was a pair of heels.

I knew they weren't mines because he never wanted me to keep anything of mines at his house. I began walking further into the house and the further I went the louder the moans, that I failed to hear at first, got. I went to his room door at the end of the hall and pushed the door open. What I seen broke my heart.

There was this woman riding my mans dick. I turned the lights on and grabbed the first thing closest to me which happened to be a shoe and threw it at them both. They screamed and covered theirselves. When Xavier seen it was me his face turned white as if he seen a ghost.

"M-M-Mia what are you doing here baby? I-It's not what it seems I swear." He said pulling on a pair of sweats. I was clouded by anger. How dare he forget our anniversary and have the nerve to cheat on me and then he tells me it's not what it seems. So this bitch riding the fuck out of his dick isn't what it seems?

I went up to him and slapped fire from his ass. As soon as I seen the look on his face I became scared. The next thing I knew I was on the ground with my lip bleeding.

"Bitch are you stupid? Don't put your fucking hands on me!" He screamed in my face.

"We're over. Lose my number dumbass!" I screamed as tears ran down my face. I ran out of his house and never went back. Believe my brother, Tyler, and Keith kicked his ass for putting his hands on me and treating me the way he did.

That's honestly the reason why I haven't been in a relationship since.

"Mia!" I heard. I looked at Tyler and realized that he's waiting on me to respond. When I opened my mouth to respond to him, his cell phone rang.

"Sup...damn man...nah we about to come...ight one!"

"Who was that?" I asked Tyler.

"That was Boss, something went down at the trap and we gotta go handle it." He said. I hate that him, my brother, and Keith are living this sort of life. But, growing up Jay-Jay did everything he could to keep a roof over mine, my grandma, and his head.

My mom ran off with some rich white dude when I was one and my dad was killed when i was ten. My grandma took us in and we lived with her until we graduated high school. Jay-Jay started dealing in the streets to take some of the stress away from my grandma. She has her own business babysitting, but he didn't want added stress on her.

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