Chapter Thirty-Two

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Jayceon's POV
Two weeks later
It's been two weeks since Aija's been out the hospital and Tony still hasn't caught the person who hit and shot Aija. Tony convinced me to not get involved and said that he and a few of his friends will find out who hurt Aija and also find out some information on Raymond for me. But he hasn't found out anything yet and it's pissin' me off. I want to find the person who did this, make them suffer, and go on about my life with my wife and kids.

Ever since the morning when I woke up on the couch and seen Aija layin' on my chest the atmosphere in the house changed dramatically. The kids seem more taken to me and even started cryin' whenever I leave to go somewhere without them, except JJ of course.

He still gives me short answers and he doesn't like to spend time with me, no matter if we're with other people or not. JJ's seemed to have made it his mission to stay away from me and even though I've continuously tried to get him to talk to me I eventually gave up. I can't force him to talk to me or want to have a relationship with me. It hurts when your oldest child hates you and I've tried to keep the other kids away from our problems but it seems that they've noticed 'cause they suddenly stopped talkin' and hangin' with JJ.

Aija always tried to get them to play with JJ but they ain't havin' it. As far as Aija and I we aren't together we both mutually decided that we needed time to be friends before we jump into anythin'. This time around I wanted to do right by her and my kids. It's Saturday and I woke up to Ava on my chest with drool rollin' off of her face onto my chest and Jayvion with his feet all in my face. I chuckled and carefully laid Ava back in bed and eased out of it without them wakin' up. I left the guest room and went use the bathroom doin' my mornin' routine before I got dressed and went downstairs to get breakfast started.

Over the course of the last two weeks we've all gotten into a routine of sorts. I wake up first and start makin' breakfast, Ava and Jayvion come down together and help me with breakfast, then JJ comes down and watched us, and the kids all run up to wake Aija up who's always last to wake up. The same routine happened today and we all helped clean the kitchen before Aija and Ava ran upstairs to get dressed because they're goin' shoppin' with Mia, Mel, and Mel and Keith's baby girl Taylor, while the guys and their boys are comin' hang with Jayvion, JJ, and I.

Hours later, literally, the girls came back downstairs when they heard the doorbell go off. I got up and Jayvion followed and I peeped through the peep hole before I let Jayvion open the door.

"Wassup it's BBOD. Bad bitch on deck open this mothafuckin' door before I huff and puff and blow that bitch away." Keith yelled as we opened the door. Once the door was all the way open he stormed in and went to the kitchen.

I turned back to Mel, "Why did you marry his gay ass?"

She sighed and chuckled, "I'm startin' to ask myself that same question." We all laughed and headed towards the livin' room. I heard a bunch of rattlin' comin' from the kitchen which only meant one thing, Keith ass was diggin' through my shit and probably eatin' my kids snacks.

His ass stay eatin' when he go to other people's house but when they go to his house he make sure nobody get so much as a glass of water. He always say "Bring yo own drink if you comin' to my house 'cause I ain't got shit to quench nobody thirst".

"Aye get yo sugar and spice ass out my kitchen 'foe I come in there and break yo damn hands." I yelled. A few seconds later he came out the kitchen with a scowl on his face, "I ain't no damn sugar and spice. Don't make me kick yo ass in front yo kids Jayceon." He mumbled sittin' on side of Mel with his face in between her chest.

"Nigga how the fuck you ain't sugar and spice when you come in the house talkin' 'bout some bad bitch on deck. What nigga gon' call himself a 'bad bitch'?" Tyler cackled when Keith straight faced him which caused all of to laugh as Mel rubbed his head and told us to leave her baby alone.

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