Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Aija's POV
The talk with my mom really allowed me to see how my actions were affecting my kids and I never want to be the woman that deprives a man the opportunity to be in his kids lives. When he first came back I was clouded my hurt, anger, and betrayal but the problems that we have are between us and it should stay between us. I never should have allowed the problems to branch out to my kids and the way the boys acted towards Jayceon was very disrespectful. I'm a bit disappointed in myself that I allowed my kids to see me out of character and that I allowed JJ to speak to his dad that way.

It's been a few days since I've encountered Jayceon and he's been blowing my phone up about seeing his kids. I eventually answered a call and we both came to an agreement that he would have the kids for the entire weekend. Today's Friday and I'm on my way to pick the kids up from school and I still haven't told them that they're spending the weekend with Jayceon. I haven't even sat down with them and told them that Jayceon is their dad, I figured Jayceon would want to be there for that conversation.

I pulled up to the kids school and I got out the car before walking up to the building. I first stopped at Ava's class because hers is closer to the entrance. I waited three minutes before the bell rang and kids streamed out of the classroom I strained my neck looking for Ava and when I spotted her she was walking down the hall. I frowned, she knows that I'm always waiting for her to come out of class. I guess she's still mad with me about the comment that I made about Jayceon.

I followed her and she was walking towards Jayvion's class and walked in heading towards her brother. I stood by the door and waved at the teacher and spoke to a few parents that passed me until Ava and Jayvion were leaving the classroom.

"Mommy!" Jayvion yelled before he ran into my arms.

"Javvy." I yelled and picked him up sitting him on my hip and kissing his nose.

"How was your day mommy?" He asked looking at me with eyes that resembled his dad's.

"It was very busy. I helped delivered three babies today and two of them were twins. Cool right?" I replied maneuvering around people as we walked towards JJ's class.

"Wow. Were they both boys? Because boys rule you know." He stated.

"No, girls rock especially black girls." Ava butted in before she flipped her hair and went into JJ's classroom for him.

"Who rules mommy?" Jayvion innocently questioned.

"Both men and women have important roles in society. However women, especially black women, have always conquered through unbelievable things and we are stronger than men anticipate so we are always shocking the world with the amazing qualities that we as women posse." I answer truthfully. I always teach my children about how their African American ancestors had to push through difficult times that eventually made us stronger in the end.

My kids didn't like when we watched slavery movies because they thought that they were boring but as they got older and began to get a sense of what the movies stood for they began to love watching them. I never knew the impact the movies had on the kids because they would just watch it and not say anything but a few days ago the crew, their kids, my kids, and I were at my house watching TV when we heard that Kanye West made a comment about how slavery was a choice and when Ava heard that she blew up about how Kanye's statement was disgusting, how slavery wasn't ever a choice but was something that was forced upon African Americans, and she said she was appalled by his statement because he's an African American male that's living in today's society. She then went on to say that he needed a huge reality check and I couldn't agree more with her.

I always knew Ava was a very gifted child and she's beyond intelligent for her age and I'm extremely proud of her. When she was going on with her rant I recorded her and put her on Instagram and Snapchat and there were so many people commenting on how she's too smart to only be six years old. My dad seen it and ever since he's been braggin' about the video at work about how his granddaughter is a genius.

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