Chapter Thirty-Three

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Jayceon's POV
"Are you sure it's her?" Tyler asked for the thousandth time.

"Yes I'm fuckin' sure. Instead of askin' me the same damn question how about you help me find who took my fuckin' daughter." I fumed. I stormed away and went to the room slamming the door in the process. It's been a day of my daughter missin' and I'm goin' insane.

Aija believes we should leave the case into the hands of the police but I said fuck that I'm not waitin' for them to take forever to find my daughter when I'm capable of doin' so myself. Who knows what the fuck my daughter's goin' through she could be hurt or worse. And it's tearin' me up inside not knowin' what's happenin' to my daughter.

Tony believes that I shoudn't get back into my old lifestyle but my old lifestyle is goin' to help me find my daughter. No one knows that I plan on goin' to the trap today and round up my old trusted workers. Everyone has a family and they need to protect them so I'm not bringin' them back into this life. But I have to in order to find my daughter, and I have no problem with doin' that.

I laid back on the bed and rubbed my hands down my face. I'm so fuckin' stressed man. I raised up when I heard the door open I looked towards the entrance and seen Aija leanin' against the doorway.

"You can't keep actin' this way." She began.

"Not you too. Between your mom and dad I've heard enough about my temper. I don't need to hear it again." I huffed.

"I'm not tryin' to nag you Jace but you can't keep blowin' up at everyone. We all need to stick together so we don't need to fight." She explained before she came sit in my lap. I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her closer breathin' in her vanilla and coconut smell.

"I try but everythin' someone tells me just pisses me off. It also pisses me off that I'm just sittin' here waitin' while my daughters out there havin' God knows what done to her." I expressed my anger. She rubbed my temples before peckin' my lips.

I opened my eyes, "What was that for?"

"Motivation. I want you to go out there and find our baby. Bring our baby girl back home to us and complete our family again. If anybody can bring our baby back I know it's you." She concluded.

I nodded, "Say no more." I moved her off my lap and went to my closet and grabbed a duffle bag stuffin' clothes in it before I had everything I needed. I went back to the room and grabbed Aija's hand before I pulled her out the room.

"Aye Jayvion and JJ come to the living room now." I yelled as I passed their rooms. Every since yesturday they haven't come out there rooms, they haven't ate, or talked to anyone. They just want their sister back like Aija and I want our daughter back. And I'm goin' to bring her back to us, I just hope she's the same after this.

We walked into the living room where everyone was. When I mean everyone I mean everyone. Aija's parents, Aija's brother and his wife, Mia, Tyler, Keith, Mel, their kids, my grandma, Ms.Juliette, and Mr.Darnell. Everyone who means something in Ava's life is here. Everyone got silent when they noticed me with a duffle bag on my shoulder.

"Baby where are you goin'?" My grandma asked steppin' closer to me.

"Jayceon don't do this son. Let the police handle this, they're doin' their best." Sierra pleaded.

I shook my head, "My mind's made up and I'm doin' this. I'm doin' this for my daughter and my family and I can give two fucks 'bout what anyone has to say about it. My daughter is out there when she should be here with us. To me the police aren't doin' enough, so ima handle this the only way I know how."

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