Chapter Six

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Jayceon POV
    After leaving my grandma's daycare, we headed over to Aija's house to get her and my baby girl some clothes. I pulled up to this run down house and parked.

"I'll be right out." Aija said while quickly getting out of the car. I shake my head and grab Ava and got out. I walked to the front door and entered. When I opened the door I saw the front room looking a mess. There were empty bottles of alcoholic beverages everywhere, old pizza boxes, and other unknown things.

I heard Aija yelling with a woman down the hallway. I quickly walked down the hall to make sure that my baby was okay. When I got into the hallway I went to the last door on the left that was open. I seen Aija and a woman that resembled her yelling at her.

"I need the money fat ass. Give it to me!" The woman yelled in Aija's face.

"I need that money for Ava so no." She replied with watery eyes.

"Your fat ass need to give me the money. I don't know why I kept you and that ugly ass baby. I should've aborted both of y'all asses. Get the fuck out my house hoe!" The lady yelled and raised her hand.

I quickly sat Ava down on the bed and grabbed the ladies hand as it almost hit my baby.

"Don't you ever raise your hand to hit my woman. Aija go pack up you and Ava's shit y'all moving in with me." I said while looking into the lady's eyes. I turned around to see Aija still there with tears running down her face. I mouthed for her to go and she went to a dresser in the room and began pulling out clothes.

I let the lady's hand go and she gave us all an evil look and walked out of the room. I sat down on the bed beside Ava who crawled into my lap as soon as I sat down. I played with Ava until I started hearing sniffling. I grabbed Ava and went over to Aija. I grabbed her hand and told her to look at me.

"Don't listen to her. You were right about not giving her any of the money. Also, you're not fat your thick and I love your curves baby. You just don't know. I would tell you what they do to me, but Ava's here." I said chuckling while wiping her tears.

Aija began laughing and put her head down. I pulled her chin up with my hand and looked her in her eyes. "Don't ever hide that beautiful smile from me, got it?" I asked her.

She nodded and finished packing her and Ava's things. I know it's BEYOND crazy that they're moving in with me when we've only known each other for a short period of time, but I can't help that I want to protect and love them. It's almost like an instinct for me.

Once Aija finished packing their belongings, I put all of the bags into my car and we drove to my house in silence.

Aija's POV
I know what you guys are thinking. Bitch are you dumb or are you dumb. The answer is yes and yes. Honestly, the only reason that I agreed to move in with him is because I'm tired of my mom bringing all types of men in the house with my daughter there and she's always threatening to kick us out and what if one day she actually does that? Then where would my daughter and I go?

I know agreeing to live with him is fucking crazy, but I don't have any friends to go to, I don't have any money for a motel let alone an apartment, and the job that I have only covers the expenses for Ava and I, mostly Ava because that's where majority of my money goes.

I'm going with him for the best interest of my child. Believe it or not, I actually trust him. Not leaving my child alone with him type of trust, but trust nonetheless. I truly believe that this is the best thing for my daughter and I.

Of course I'm going to help him around the house and pay some bills as well, I'm not no bum bitch. I don't plan on being there long, so I'm gonna need to pick up some extra shifts and I need to hurry up with my classes so I can become an RN. I just hope and pray that this goes well.

Jayceon's POV
    I pulled up into my driveway and cut the car off. I got out and grabbed some of their bags and went to unlock the front door while Aija grabbed Ava.

    I turned to Aija and asked her to follow me to my room since that's where they'll be sleeping, at least until I get Ava's room ready for her. Once we got to the room I turned around to Aija and my baby girl.

    "I'm not sleeping in here!" Aija said before I could speak.

    "Why not?" I replied with my face screwed up.

    "Because one, I don't know you like that and two, I'm just not comfortable with that." She explained. I opened my mouth to argue with her, but thought better of it and just sighed. I grabbed their bags and brought it to the room on side of mines. I dropped the bags and asked Aija if she was hungry.

    She nodded and I left them to get settled while I ordered pizza. I sat on the couch and thought about Ava and Aija being here. I just know that this is a forever type of thing.

    Aija came down stairs as soon as the doorbell rang. I went to answer it and it was the pizza man. I got my pizza and paid for it. Aija and I ate the pizza on the couch quietly while watching The Walking Dead because apparently she's obsessed with it.

    Once we both finished we cleaned up and headed upstairs. Before she could go into her room, I stopped her and kissed her forehead and told her goodnight. I entered my room and quickly hopped into my bed and got comfortable. My last thought before I went to sleep was of Aija and Ava and how I wished that they were laying next to me.


Sorry if my updates aren't as fast as they should be, but I'm in college and school work comes first. Anyway hope you enjoyed this chapter!!

Melanie in the mm.

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