Chapter 6

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           Hurricane only slept one hour before waking up again that night. He had this nagging feeling that told him to go somewhere private. He tried desperately to fall asleep three times before giving in to his consciousness and wandering through the hall of JMA. 

          He eventually found a room in which he entered. The cave was lit by a single torch, giving it an eerie look. There was nothing in the room except a shelve full of scrolls, which to Hurricane's surprise, were all about Dragon Legends. Some crazy dragons believed in all of that stuff, but the majority of Pyrhia knew these were myths. The most-told story was about a strange dragon who didn't belong to ANY of the tribes. Being greedy and full of evil, he believed, being the only dragon of a race, that he should rule over all of Pyhria. He called himself, the Dragonlord. He gathered up a group of followers from every tribe, and set out to conquer Pyhria. Due to his mystical powers, the Dragonlord and his followers each had the strength of 100 individual dragons. They destroyed many dragon villages, causing much pain and suffering. But, one animus dragon from each tribe, stood up to the Dragonlord and transferred their powers to wearable items, so they could defeat the Dragonlord. However, the Dragonlord was too powerful for the Seven to destroy, therefore, they locked him up in the Void of Eternal darkness, a place where shadows lurk. Legend says the Dragonlord will return to gain revenge on all of Pyrhia, and that a New Seven will rise in place of the Old Seven, to permanently lock up the Dragonlord.

           But that is just a bunch of whale-poo Hurricane thought to himself. The only evil that ever existed here, if any, was the Darkstalker. I'm not sure if even THAT is true.

       Either way, there was no Dragonlord, and Hurricane was sure of that. Coming back to full awareness, Hurricane heard the clack of claws on rock behind him. Before he could hide from the intruder, Fireclaw cautiously stepped into the room, looked at Hurricane and whispered, "What in Pyrhia's three full moons are you doing up this late at night?"

         "I couldn't sleep," Hurricane answered flatly.

         "Oh. Well, I can't sleep either so I'll stay here with you."

         "I didn't plan on staying here," said Hurricane. "But I will if you would like that."

          Fireclaw went and sat by Hurricane and said, "Ok, spit it out, what did you find in here?"

         "Some scrolls on the Dragonlord. Not that I think he is real."

          "Who knows?" answered Fireclaw. "Maybe he is real."

           "Nah," stated Hurricane. "Where is the proof? No one has found any clear evidence that the Dragonlord existed."

           "True, but still." answered Fireclaw.

           Hurricane looked down at his new bracelet then suddenly, an idea popped into his head.

         "I'm going to transfer my animus powers to the bracelet you gave me." said Hurricane aloud, finishing his thought.

        Fireclaw looked at him with wide eyes. "No way. You can do that?"

          "Darkstalker was able to, I'm perfectly capable of doing it to." he answered.

         He looked at his bracelet intensely. He scoured his entire being for that small patch of which contained his power. He had only found that spot once when he found out that he was an animus. He nearly used it, but was stopped by his father, who knew exactly what he was about to do. When he found it, h ordered it to move to his bracelet. Nothing. He tried again, but still nothing. He tried once more, putting all of his will into it, and the power obeyed. He felt it drain from his body and go to his bracelet, which started humming with power.

        "Done," he announced. "Now, let's see if I can still use it."

           He looked at one of the scrolls and using the power from the bracelet, ordered the scroll to come to his open claw. It did.

         "Wow, it worked," said Fireclaw, amazed.

         "I know," Hurricane said, excitedly. He yawned. He didn't know he was so tired. "Let's head back to the cave. I can finally sleep now."

       "I agree," said Fireclaw as they exited the cave and entered back into their cave. 

       Other dragons are going to want to come after my bracelet now. How am I going to prevent that! Hurricane thought to himself as he finally went back to sleep.

Wings of Fire: The Hurricane BraceletBook One of: The New SevenWhere stories live. Discover now