Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter 16

The snow started to fall when the group crossed the border into Iowa. Brielle sighed out heavily and Daryl looked over at her.

"Oy," he said getting her attention. "What's the matter?" he asked.

"I guess I was trying to convince myself that it wasn't going to snow on our trip to Minnesota. It's just another obstacle that we don't need," she said staring out the window.

Daryl glanced at Brielle and watched her watch the snow fall. He was about to say something when they were interrupted by Glen's voice on the walkie-talkie that Chase had given them.

"Hey guys, we need to stop to fill up on gas."

Daryl, being the leader of the convoy, pulled his vehicle over to the side of the road. The other two vehicles behind him followed his lead.

Everyone had got out of their vehicles and stretched. The group had not stopped since they left Fort Leonard Wood.

Brielle let Sam out of the vehicle and smiled as the dog ran around in circles wearing off some energy. She watched as Glen took a gas can and started to fill his vehicle. Rick and Daryl did the same.

"How much further do we have to go?" Rick asked Glen as he was the one who mapped out their routes.

"Almost a hundred more miles. We luckily have enough gas to get us there," Glen said back to Rick.

Brielle scanned their surroundings. It was nothing but fields. She surprisingly did not see any walkers and was curious as to where they were. She scrunched her face up with confusion and continued to scan the horizon. There was nothing. She crossed her arms in front of her. It was an uncomfortable feeling.

"What's wrong?" Daryl asked walking up from behind Brielle.

She spun around and looked at him.

"There's nothing out there," she said quietly.

Daryl looked at Brielle confused. "It's Iowa. Ain't nothing in Iowa."

"No, I mean there are no walkers. Where are they all?" she asked him.

Daryl now scanned the area and looked as far as he could in all directions. Brielle was right. There was nothing roaming out in the vast fields. He looked back at Brielle and shrugged.

"Must be in the more populated areas," he said not entirely convinced by his own speculation.

Brielle nodded and turned back to where she was looking. It was an odd feeling. She got so used to seeing them that it was disconcerting to not see the walkers. She almost had to laugh at the ridiculous feeling she had.

"Are we ready?" Rick said to the group breaking Brielle out of her thoughts.

She corralled Sam and got back in the vehicle.


Brielle couldn't help but worry about the lack of walkers their entire drive to Camp Dodge. Daryl looked over to see a worried look on Brielle's face several times and he did not know what to say to assure her that things were going to be okay. The truth was he couldn't explain the lack of walkers on their trip north through Iowa. The only thing he could think was that Iowa was less populated and there were less people to get infected.

The snow continued to fall as they drove north slowing their travels. Being the days were shorter, they were losing daylight quickly.

"Guys, let's stop here and make a plan," both Brielle and Daryl looked at the walkie-talkie that sat between them as Glen's voice came through. Daryl pulled over and Brielle sighed again.

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