Chapter Four

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Chapter 4

Daryl stood in the kitchen of the house and started to pack up the stuff Brielle had gathered. She was shockingly organized in such a chaotic world. He listened to her instructions and packed as she had wanted. He looked out the window towards the garage where Brielle was packing up the Jeep. He saw Sam faithfully standing in the doorway watching.

Daryl smiled to himself. He found Brielle to be like no other person he had ever met before. He took into account that she was from the Midwest and he had never met anyone from the Midwest before. There was more to her than that, though.

Daryl was taken out of his thoughts when he heard what sounded like a bottle rolling down the road. He looked up and saw the group he was with earlier walking down the street towards them. He looked over at the garage where Brielle was a sitting duck. He quickly grabbed for his crossbow.

Brielle hummed to herself as she packed up the Jeep. Today it was James Taylor in her head. She smiled to herself as she packed up the Jeep making sure the front seat had room for Daryl. She felt fortunate to find him. He’d be helpful in her getting even a little more closer to Minnesota.

She heard Sam growl and she stopped what she was doing immediately to see what he was growling at. She peaked out the window and saw the gang of guys coming right towards her.

“Fuck,” she whispered.

She had to get the garage door shut or she was screwed.

Sam growled again.

“Heel,” she said quietly.

Sam obeyed and walked into the garage and sat alert.

Brielle got on her knees and crawled over to the small garage door and started to pull it shut slowly. She did not want to raise attention by any quick movement.

“Hey, this place looks untouched up ahead. Let’s check it out,” she heard a guy say.

“Fuck, fuck,” she whispered again.

She grabbed the door knob of the garage door and turned it in hopes that it would close smoothly and quietly. She almost screamed out when she felt the door get pulled in the opposite direction.

Daryl crouched down as low as he could and got the door to the house open. He snuck out and quickly took cover on the other side of a shrub. He saw through the open garage door that Brielle had just noticed the guys walking down the road. She quickly got on the ground and started to crawl towards the door.

“Hey, this place looks untouched up ahead. Let’s check it out,” Daryl heard a guy say. He knew he had to get to that garage door. He quickly went to the opposite direction of the guys, hoping to stay out of their sight. He got to the edge of the garage and crawled towards the door. He couldn't see the men anymore, but he could hear their footsteps and they were just feet away. He saw the door starting to shut on the garage door and he grabbed the handle.

Brielle froze. She didn't know what to do.

“Pst,” she heard a familiar sound and knew it to be Daryl. She let go of the door knob and he quickly crawled into the garage and slowly shut the door just as Brielle was attempting to do seconds before.

She looked over at Daryl with relief.

“They’re coming,” she mouthed to him.

Daryl just nodded as to say he heard. He put his finger up to his lips as to tell her to stay quiet. He turned and slowly turned the lock on the door knob in hopes it worked.

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