Chapter Seventeen

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Chapter 17

Since it had snowed and there were no plows to pave their path, the group had slowed to a significantly slower pace. They often had to stop to push a vehicle that had gotten stuck in a snow drift or back up when a vehicle had driven off the road unknowingly.

Brielle was doing her best to not become impatient with the process, but they had been traveling two days now and still found themselves in Iowa.

The group was again stopped on the side of the road and looking at their maps.

"We're about twenty miles from the border," Glen said pointing to a spot on the map.

"That means we're about 200 miles from home," Brielle said trying to hold back her tears.

They were so close. It was hard to not get emotional about it.

"Guys, we need to talk," Carol said walking up to the group hovered around Daryl and Brielle's vehicle.

Everyone looked at her and noticed the look on her face.

"Judith's cold is not improving. This traveling is not doing her any good. We have got to try and find some medicine for her or at least a place to stay where she can get a good rest," she said concerned.

Rick sighed out with concern.

"Are there any towns around here?" he asked looking at Glen who was already looking at the map.

"We can try a town just up the road. If we're lucky, we get in and find a place to stay and hopefully find some meds," he said looking up at the group.

"Let's do it," Daryl said grabbing his crossbow off the hood of the vehicle.

Glen grabbed the maps and everyone went back into the vehicle.

The group started to drive towards the town Glen had pointed out on the map. Brielle watched out the window. Her gut was doing flips. She wanted to get home so badly, but she knew that Judith needed some respite from travelling or she was not going to make it.

Her head popped up slightly when she noticed movement.

"Daryl, slow down," she said sounding concerned.

"What is it?" he asked looking at her.

"Stop the vehicle," she said and Daryl listened even though he wasn't sure why he was stopping in the middle of the road.

Brielle jumped out and Daryl followed her. Rick and Michone ran up to them to see what the problem was.

"Look," Brielle pointed to the skyline. "The windmill. It's moving," she said sounding concerned.

Everyone looked to where she was pointing. There in the distance was a lone windmill moving in a calming circular motion. All the other windmills in the wind farm were still.

"Someone must be keeping that windmill operating," Rick said looking all around him.

"We can't risk taking everyone into town if that's the case. They could be dangerous people," Michone said out loud what everyone was thinking.

"Now what?" Brielle asked to no one in particular.

"There," Daryl pointed across a field.

Brielle had to squint to see what he was pointing at. It was a farm house.

"We camp there and a smaller group goes into town to look for medication. It's the best option we have," he said walking back to the vehicle.

Brielle looked at Rick who nodded and turned back to his own vehicle. Brielle wasn't sure if this was the best option they had, but it looked to be the only option Daryl was willing to consider. She was learning what battles to pursue with Daryl and which ones to let go.

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