Chapter 6

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"What's up" Devin asks "nothing what about you?" Reed asks "nothing" he says "you okay river you look pale" Devin asks concerned "I just don't feel good" I say he sat down and ate his McDonald's as we all watched the news. "I have to go buy new vans today do guys want to go or stay here?" Devin asked "we'll stay" reed and I say. "Okay well I'll be quick so don't  go anywhere" Devin says and comes kisses my forehead. Devin leaves. "You know you were good" I say to reed. " what?, he asks confused. "In bed you were good"I say " it felt like it you kept saying Devin more than you do with him" reed said. "With you it was soft and seemed more caring, with Devin it's rough and fast and is done before I know it" I say "should I get a pregnancy  test for you to take tomorrow or when ever you need to take it?" Reed asks "yeah probably" I say reed runs to the drug store and comes back. "Here I got you one" he says handing it to me and hugging me. A week later......Okay 2 lines positive 1 line negative. "Reed........ " I say crying "no your not" reed says panicking "I'm pregnant" I say falling to the floor. "Shhhhh I'm sorry it's my fault" reed says holding me. "I have a plan okay" I say "I tell Devin I'm on the pill and have sex with him with no condom wait a few days and tell him I'm pregnant" I say "NO! That's my baby you can't just chose that" reed yells "do we have a choice, I'll go tell my best friend I fucked his best friend and got pregnant he'll leave me. I'm sorry but I need him to stay" I cry "so what am I supposed to do?" Reed asks crying "you go on in life be successful and happy" I cry " I would be happy and successful with you" reed says quietly "just let me go with my plan or we both lose him" I say as the door opens with Devin walking in. "Let's do something fun tonight" reed says "that's my boy!" Devin yells "let's go to a party" I say reed looks at me worried. "Yes!" Devin yells "well it's 5 so we have about a hour till we have to go" I say we all get ready. I know if I want to sleep with Devin tonight I have to look extra hot. I put on this long sleeved tight black dress with some silver heels. I did loose curls and a natural smoky eye. I walk out the bathroom to see reed standing there in a nirvana t shirt and black skinny jeans with converse. "Please don't sleep with him we can do this" reed begs. I keep walking "you know the baby will always have my genetics and be mine even if you fuck with someone else right" reed says angrily. "Doesn't mean it's going to call you daddy if that's what you want" I say turning out the door to meet Devin by the stairs. Reed right behind me. Devin has his hand on my butt as we walk to his car.  I feel reed burning his eyes on us. We get in the car and I know I have to tease Devin to get him. I put my hand on his leg and start kissing his neck. Slowly he hates slow it drives him crazy. "River don't make me fuck you in the back seat again" Devin says "where I'm sitting?!?!?! " reed asks "yeah all over there" I say . Reed giving me dirty looks. We pull up to the party. "Ready to get bitches reed" Devin asks "yes tons " reeds says. We walk in reed pushes past me I see him go straight for a random blond and she's already on him. "Let me dance with you" I say to Devin as I pin my crouch to his. "Riverrr not here wait till we get home" Devin pleads "I turn around and start dancing on him but more slutty if that's possible I feel like such a slut these past few days. Sex is my only escape from the awful real world to be in a good world with Devin.  I know what I'm doing will one day be good. I want reed to live life happy and keep going ,odds are Devin and I would be together anyway right? "Hold on I'm getting beer" Devin says and walks away. I look across the room to see reed having a fun time with a blond girl he's actually dancing. I take a seat in a couch and wait for Devin. 10 minutes pass so I go get my own drink. Devins not here. I wait some more......another 10 minutes pass and I decided to go pee. I have no idea who's house this is and why I'm here to be honest. I start upstairs opening random doors. "Mhmm ugh Devin ugggggg" I hear as I open the next door. "Devin...." I say tears running down my face, in shock and hurt rush through mr. "River come here" he says I walk in with a confused look " you left me " I say now holding tears. He wipes some tears away and gets off this girl who looks way younger than him anyway. He starts kissing my neck,and goes to unzip my dress. "Damn river you look so hot" he says breathing hot air on my neck. He takes my dress and heels off. Maybe this is it I thought. Make the girl leave I think to myself. "River this is page" Devin says. He lays me down and starts in and out no protection like the plan. But now he's fingering the girl text me while she moans his name like crazy but can I blame her he's amazing. And there's one thing I know about Devin is if you moan his name at all he goes crazy. I can't believe this he's making me have a threesome.

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