Chapter 15

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Our honeymoon was over. We went and got Hailey, she saw Devin and had the biggest smile ever on her face. He picked her up and I got the bags and we went to the car. When we got home we put Hailey to sleep it was late for her. "So do you think we should let Reed see her?" Devin asks. "Honestly yes" I say. "Me too, it's his baby anyway" Devin says looking down. "We talked about this, everything will work out you'll be happy" I said smiling. I decided on calling Reed and telling him to come down and see Hailey for a while. We agreed and he was coming down next week. The week working up to Reed getting here went fast. Before I knew it Devin was bring home Reed. I go and hug him. "Hi I missed you" I say smiling. I heard Hailey on the living room starting to cry. Devin goes and gets her. "Hi princess" Devin says smiling to her. Her making her cute little laugh. Devin brings her in the kitchen where Reed and I where. "Wanna hold her?" Devin asks. "Yeah" Reed says smiling. It's been about two months since Hailey was born and reeds never held her. Watching him for the first time hold and touch her was perfection. Hailey smiles at Reed. I'm happy she likes him. I hope one day she'll grow up and know him and understand who he is. We all go to watch a movie in the living room. Reed sits down in the chair with Hailey. I sit on the couch with Devin. Hailey starts crying and Devins first instinct is to get her, he's so good with her. Reed rocks her and shhh's her. "Babe she's hungry she won't stop" Devin says. Devin knows Haileys schedule better than I do. "Here let me feed her real quick " I say to Reed. I sit back down with Hailey on the couch and start to breast feed her. I think when I do this is turns Reed on because he doesn't stop looking. Devin used to be like that everytime I Fed her. She slowly starts to fall asleep so I decided to move her now. I slip my boob back in my shirt and hand Reed Hailey. "She shouldn't cry for a while" I say. We watch the movie until Devin starts getting sleepy. He lays down on the couch fully while we watch the movie. "Hand me my baby" he says to me. I get up and get Hailey and give her to Devin. He lays her on his chest. He's weird everytime he's sleepy he lays with her, but it's kinda adorable. Devin falls asleep and I go to put Hailey in her crib. I lay her down and turn around to Reed. "She's not his, you never told him?' He asks. "Yeah I did, he. Knows your her biological father. "No I'm her dad no ands ifs or buts about it, I created her not him" he says now with angrier. I go to leave but he catches me. "Watching you breast feed my daughter turned me on" he whispers in my ear. " I know that's how Devin was too" I laugh. "Why did you marry him, there's so much more I could give you" he says on my neck. "I knew you didn't need us as bad as he does" I say quietly. "Bull shit" he says angry again. "Let me be with you guys, please" he says so sad. "I wish I could" I say trying to hold myself together.  He starts kissing my jaw. "All I want in life is to make you both happy" he states. "I honestly hope Devin leaves us, I don't want him suffering here when there's more out there" I say crying. I go and walk Down stairs and wake Devin, "let's go to sleep" I say walking into our room. I go into my pjs and go to sleep with Devin. I wake up at 1:17am to Hailey screaming. "Ugh " I say getting up. I go into her room and see Reed standing there singing to her and holding her. She stopped crying. "Your good with her" I say in the door way. He smiles. He puts her down and he walks toward me. " why can't you and I be happy, that's all you and I wanted, and we owe it to Hailey. " he says. "I love you a lot you know, you gave me a beautiful peace of life and I couldn't ever repay you" I say tears streaming down my cheeks. " be with me, I'll make you happy, I'll love you, I promise we can do this" Reed says holding my hand. I have no words. "Everyday I look at her and see you, and it kills me more and more everyday." I say looking down. "Let me love you" he says. Than he grabbed me, he kissed me, he made me forget all about the reasons why I didn't want him, he made me have a spark that I thought was gone. Him pushing himself against me. "Please" he whispers. He takes my hand and leads me into he next room. "Be quite we don't want husband waking up now" he laughs. Every move he makes with me is heaven. Soon were fully naked stareing at each other. Everytime I'm with Reed is better than the last, he has me head over heels. He almost looks scared hovering over me. "It's okay" I whisper against his neck. The room fills with the sounds he makes, and the sounds I make. "I'm in love with you" he repeats. I feel him release himself and he rolls off of me, breathless. "I wish everyday of my life was like this" he says looking at me. I get changed and am about to leave. "Going to fuck your husband now?" He asks smirking. "He'll wonder where I am" I say leaving.

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