Chapter 17

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Devin and I go to court and we get Devin off Haileys birth certificate. He takes one look at Hailey and starts crying. He can't keep it together. "Wait!" I say. Before any papers signed. "I give Devin full custody" I say looking at him. "What..." Devin says. "You need her, your her father" I say. "No!, you take her that's my daughter" Reed says with anger. "No! You were never there when she was born, or every morning when her mom got up sick, or every ultrasound, or check up. You didn't go shopping and sit there for a hour choosing what pink her room should be. You never woke up at 3 in the morning to sing to her and hold her. You never sat there on nights wondering what she'll look like, and sound like when she's born. You never stayed awake to think about what to name her, so no your not just her father, I am." Devin says "Reed..... She'll be okay" i say. Devin will have Hailey every other weekend. The ride home was silent, and weird. I get out of the car and we all enter the condo we rented. I go in my room with Hailey and we lay down. We soon fall asleep and it's so nice. We woke up and it was around 7:37pm and Reed wasn't even home he left, no note or anything either. I went and feed Hailey, I made dinner, and gave Hailey a bath. It was soon 11:23pm and we went back to bed. I don't remember Reed ever coming home but I woke up in the night with Hailey in her crib in our room instead. And Reed laying next to me. I didn't fight it I just simply went to bed again. A week passed and we choose this week for Devin to have Hailey. I go to drop her off. Devin now has all new things for her here. It's so cute what he has done. He sits her on the floor to play. "So how's your baby?" He asks not really happy. "I don't know I never went for a cheek up" I say not caring. "River that's not good" Devin says protectively. When I was pregnant with Hailey he was always freaking out about that stuff. "You don't really look pregnant" Devin says looking at my body. "I know it's weird" I say. I go to kiss Hailey goodbye. And Devin comes up behind me. "I wish you realized all we had, and maybe these both would have been my baby's." He says in my ear. " I wish they were" I say. I kiss Hailey and smile at Devin and walk out. That afternoon Reed and I go to have a cheek up just Incase. Once we get in the doctor goes for a ultrasound. "I can't really find your baby...." She trails off. "How far along are you" she asks. "About 6 weeks" I say. "Hun, I don't think your pregnant." She says confused. I look a Reed. He looks relieved. We than leave and go back home. "You seem really happy." I say. "No it's kinda sad" he says. I let it go and go to sleep. Sunday came and it was time to go get Hailey. I got a text from Devin." I took Hailey up north to see some family be back during the week. "I knew Hailey was fine and happy. Devin was Haileys world. I don't think Devin ever told his family that Hailey wasn't his, but I don't blame him. Reed has been really off all day. I dont know if it's because of me not being pregnant or because he misses Hailey, both I guess. Reed went off to work and I called Devin.
Devin: hey what's up?
Me: I'm not even pregnant.
Devin: wait....what
Me: we went to the doctors, they couldn't even find a baby. It was all a false alarm.
Devin: I'm sorry, Reed seemed really happy.
Me: yeah now he's really disappointed.
Me: so how's my little girl?
Devin: she good, she playing with mom.
Me: thank you.... For everything. You gave everything up for us and still take better care of her than me. Your truly her father.
Devin: thank you for giving me a little life to take care of.
Me: next time you take trips take me with you.
Devin: okay I will.
Me: I'll talk to you both later. I love you.
Devin: love you too.
Call ends.
I'm happy Haileys okay , and happy that's all that matters. I went out to get take out and came back home. I ate dinner and took a shower. It was getting late so I just went to bed.  The next morning I woke up and Reed wasnt there. I call him no answer, I call Devin.
Devin: hey.
Me: where's Reed have you talked to him.
Devin: no are you okay
Me: I don't know, he never came home and this is all too much.
Devin: hey everything will be okay.
Me: I know your right, I'll talk to you later.
Devin. Okay goodbye.
Call ends.
I waited, and waited. Reed never came back . I called Blake to see if he's seen Reed.
Blake: Heyyyyyyy Riv.
Me: hi Blake, have you talked to Reed.
Blake: yeah he's on his way to Texas, I guess it's a last minute performance he's apart of this weekend.
Me: oh okay thanks.
Call ends.
Reed never told me, he was supposed to go to work. He left. All this anger rushed through me. I went to go hang out with Madison because I had nothing else to do. We went shopping and I got some new toms and stuff. We than went to lunch. It was getting late so I left to go home. I went to take a shower and went straight to bed. In the morning I had 4 missed calls from Reed. Oh well. I went on with my day cleaning the house and whatever. I wanted to check up on Hailey and to tell Devin all that happend.
But he didnt answer of course. They're just having fun it's fine.

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