Chapter 9

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Tristan's POV

I take a walk and see the girl I knocked up...Awkward.

I try to avoid her but she sees me. She has a huge bump, she's 4 months pregnant like the others.

She waddles over to me...oh great

"Tristan... Is that you?"-Jessica



"Oh, how you doing?"-Tristan


"So... how's the baby?..."Tristan

"OUR baby is fine. Tristan why won't you accept our baby?"-Jessica

"I'm only 15, I'm not ready to be a dad!"-Tristan

"And you think I'm ready to be a mum? Because guess what, I'm not!"-Jessica

And with that I walked off.

When I got home my mum was eating loads of food.

"Hey mum..."-Tristan

"Hey sweetie,you okay?"-Rydel

I nod

"Tristan why did you run away?"-Rydel

I look down.

"To protect the girls... and because I've knocked up a girl, I didn't want my fame to be a huge problem in her life, the story would be all over the magazine. She would be so humiliated. I also needed to protect my cousin and my friend. I feel really bad and I know I should of called but it was hard. We are all famous aswell, so Nicole and Roxy's fame could be ruined because their pregnant at 15. I know what we did was wrong but we did it because we cared. We didn't want you guys to be disappointed in us for making the same mistakes you did. We wanted you guys to be proud of us... Now we are all just screw ups..."-Tristan

"We could never feel that way about you! Don't ever say that again! We love you no matter what, and besides it would be hypocritical if we felt that way, we went through the same things, literally! We just didn't want you guys to make the same mistakes as you have your whole lives ahead of you and we know how hard it is to go down that road. It's not easy, trust me! I'm a little disappointed that you disobeyed me and snuck out to that party then knocked up an innocent girl at 15, but I still love you! Nothing could ever stop me loving you. I'm kinda happy I'm going to be a grandma though! Did I ever tell you about when I was pregnant with you?"-Rydel

I shake my head.

"Well... it all started when I met a guy named Danny... We went on a few dates, nothing major. One night when I got in from the date, your dad was sitting on the sofa watching a sad film. I sat down with him and we was both crying. We looked into each others eyes, it was then that I knew he was the one. I had my first kiss that night... then one thing led to another... when I found out I was pregnant with you I thought you was Danny's kid. I never told Danny. I just ignored him. Nobody knew that Ratliff was your dad. They all assumed Danny was. Your dad helped me and supported me through the whole pregnancy. The night I went into labour with you, everybody was out. I couldn't go out so your dad stayed with me. I had just gotten out of the shower and I started getting contractions. I got dressed and your dad picked me up and put me in the car. My waters broke on his seat. I felt really bad, he just laughed it off. When I gave birth to you and looked at your face, I knew that Ratliff was your dad. Then the nurse came in to prove it. He was the happiest man on earth. No matter how old we was we loved each other and we still do to this day! We managed to cope, and I know that you can to. Please just give the girl a chance. Look how our lives turned out... we couldn't be happier and we don't regret having any of you! We might have been 17 but no matter how old you are, you'll always be ready, you just gotta believe in your self, trust me... mother knows best! You might aswell get the opportunity while you can, because one day it's not gonna be there and you are going to be wishing you had made things different. Just make the right choice. Not whats best for you, or best for her, it's about what's best for the baby! Just think about it. You'll be an amazing father!"-Rydel

"I love you mum!"-Tristan

I hugged her and she hugged back.

"I love you too son! You'll always be my baby boy!"-Rydel

I love my mum... I truly do...

I don't know what I would do without her.

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