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Ding ding ding!

Camila was the first one to jump out of her chair and make it out the door, today was the last day of the school year and everyone was buzzing for the party.

Every year, the school had a massive party but of course, no teachers. It was the main event of the year for Camila as she didn't get invited to many parties. Camila was a normal person, she had four best friend called Lauren, Ally, Dinah and Normani. Everyone knew that Camila and Lauren liked eachother more but they didn't seem to care. The five of them had all agreed to meet outside the house the party was at at 9:00, that way they would become lost and not be able to find everyone.

"Hi Lauren!" Camila called as she caught sight of her best friends dark locks.
"Camila!" Lauren screamed as she realised who it was.

"Make sure your there tonight Laur, I'll be a mess without you!"

"Make sure I'm there! I'm the organised one out of us two!" Lauren
Camila didn't appreciate the fact Lauren was laughing at her for her laziness, but she decided to shrug it off.

"Like remember that time you where two hours late for your own party! Two whole hours Camz!" Lauren laughed even harder as they made there way out of the building.

Camila was more than annoyed at this stage now as she knew that Lauren was doing this on purpose.

"Can you just mind your own fucking business." Camila coldly stated, her happy mood being overtaken by Lauren's mockery.
With that, Camila stormed down the road and into her house, slamming the door behind her.


It was half an hour until the party and Camila realised that Lauren was supposed to drive her to the party. Due to her outburst at Lauren earlier, she figured that Lauren wouldn't be here anytime soon so she grabbed her phone and called Ally.

"Hi Camila!" The oldest girl screeched into the phone.

"Hi Ally! Have you left yet?"

"No, but I'm just about to, why?"

"Oh I was just going to ask if you could quickly pick me up on the way, I forgot to ask Lauren and she's left already." Camila lied.

Ally paused for a moment, trying to find a hint of sarcasm in here voice, but to her surprise found nothing.

"Yeah sure, be there in 5."

Camila ended the call and let out a sigh. Camila and Lauren had never argued before, they had always had a solid friendship with eachother. It was like the walls they had built up over a long time was knocked over with a simple touch. A small tear rolled down the side of her cheek.

Bang Bang!

The noise of Ally knocking her door brought her out of her thoughts. Camila cursed at herself for having the argument with Lauren, she decided to make it up to her at the party.
"Coming!" Camila called, quickly wiping her left cheek where the tear had been. She quickly checked the mirror as she was walking out the door, making sure no make up had smudged.

Camila opened her front door to find Ally already in her car. She quickly hopped in.

"So, why did Lauren really not come for you?" Ally questioned.

Camila froze, she thought she had her friend fooled by her statement on the phone, but the older girl knew better.

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