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As I made my way back into the room, Camila was asleep. I knew I shouldn't have been that hard on her. I knew the question was coming.

I stared at her beautiful body, the way her chest falls up and down, the way she's tied up to chair but she can still sleep.

I moved a little closer to her and kissed the side of her cheek, I was in too deep.

I loved Camila. I loved her from here to infinity. I can't believe how stupid I am for bringing her into this mess just so I could spend time with him.

"Harry!" Niall called from the other room.

"Coming," I said with a sigh.

As I walked in, Niall was sitting on the desk with Zayn beside him.

"We need to get answers out of Camila," Niall said with a stern look on his face,

"Camila?" Zayn asked.

"Cami-" Niall started

"Camila is the girl who we kidnapped," I interrupted Niall.

"Why is she here?" Zayn asked, still confused.

"She was the one who broke into Louis' house and stole the-"

BANG! A loud bang interrupted Niall.


As I woke up I was dripping with sweat. I needed to get home. Slowly and quietly, I slid down the chair and pulled out of the rope tied around me and crawled around the room, looking for a door. The place was extremely enclosed, everything was made out of wood. I kept looking around, my determination trying to pull me out of the mess I made. From the very corner of my eye, I see it. A window.

I quickly grabbed the chair that I was on and pushed it to under the window so I could boost myself up.

I started climbing out of the window and I KNOCKED THE CHAIR OVER.


With that I heard two footsteps running towards the noice and I edged myself out the window before anyone had caught me.

I jumped out the window and onto the ground, expecting to be outside but no, I'm in another room. It's like whenever I try to dig myself out of the box I created, I find another box trapping me.

"Camila?" I heard a familiar voice say.


"Camila?" I said as I noticed Camila crawling out of the small window.

He face was flustered and I could literally see the terror behind her eyes. I got Camila into this mess, I needed to get her out.

I grabbed her hand and pulled her out of the room and down the corridor, leading her to the nearest exit. I quickly opened the door and she just looked at me. Her brown orbs melting me to pieces. I gently kissed her on the cheek, and pushed her out the door. I knew that pushing the only love of my life out the door would destroy me, but leaving her here would destroy her.


Harry gently kissed the side of my cheek and pushed me out the door, locking it behind him.

I was completely speechless.

One minute, he's ignoring me next, he's saving me!

I ran, ran as fast as I could.

Gone ∞ Camren/CamarryWhere stories live. Discover now