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Okay so prepare yourselfs for this chapter!
Don't hate me guys!!!


Camila stared at the newly found letter in front of her. 'Camila❤'? Why would Lauren write her a letter? Lauren had always been an up front person. Camila couldn't hold it in any longer and she opened the white enveloped labelled with her name. She slowly began to read, capturing ever word.


I know that I don't normally write and all but this is different. Camila, we never fight and I can't stand it, I can't stand the fact that your mad at me. I can't stand the fact that I can't talk to you about my problems because you are my problem.

Camila, I'm sorry.

I'm sorry for leaving it this late to talk to you. I'm sorry for not being the best friend you deserve. I'm sorry for not being there for you. I'm sorry for hurting you. I'm sorry for not confessing my feelings for you sooner.'

Camila's heart dropped in her chest. She let go of the letter and watched it fly to the group. Feelings!? Camila always knew that Lauren liked girls. She would never call a guy fit, but she would drool over girls. She had always said she had this one special person that she had liked for years, but her best friend. Even though Camila knew she shouldn't read any further, she picked the letter up off of the floor and started reading the rest.

'Camila, I've always liked you. I don't even just 'like' you. Your not just a childhood crush. Your my world Camila. I want to spend every minute of ever day with you, and I hope one day that we can be more than just friends. You've never went out with boys or girls so I didn't know how you felt, which is why I was going to wait. Camila, I just want to tell you now, I want to tell you them three words. I LOVE YOU KARLA CAMILA CABELLO! I'll shout it to the whole entire world, Camila. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me in my entire life.

Maybe we could be more than friends some time soon?

Your future girlfriend,

Camila dropped to her knees, she finally knew how she felt. The worst possibly timing in the world, Camila gets a crush, Lauren confesses her love to her. Camila felt alot of mixed emotions but she was mostly scared. Scared how she's supposed to tell her best friend how she does not feel the same way. Scared to see how Lauren reacts. Scared in case she breaks Lauren into a million pieces. She knew it already, she had ripped her heart out of her chest and stood on it, making it shatter even more. She knew her best friend we'll enough to know that she won't take it well. She knew that Lauren would possibly not speak to her. She knew that she would turn the other three against her. Camila couldn't break Lauren's heart that easily, she couldn't, she wouldn't.


Lauren woke up the next morning around 8ish. It was only 8:10 and they were already pumping loads of injections into her weak body. Over the five days Lauren had been in hospital, she had began to grow weaker and weaker. But Lauren was learning, Camila could sense it. Because of the intense damage done to Lauren's head, she couldn't remember anything. She was diagnosed with a serious cause of amnesia and the doctors were not sure if Lauren's memory would come back any time soon.

"Hello, Camila." Luke said politely, knocking Camila out if her thoughts. His hands were behind his back, as if he was hiding something. He slowly pulled what was behind his from behind his back and placed them in front of Camila. Roses.

"I just wanted to give these for you, my mum works at a flower shop and I thought I would give them to you-um it's ok if you don't want them-um." He said, obviously nervous.

"They're beautiful, thank you Luke!" Camila exclaimed him and threw her arms around him.

"What's the catch?" She asked, playfully.

"Well there actually is..." He said and scratched the back of his neck. Camila was shocked as she was clearly just playing around.

"I'm leaving, I've found a better job as a doctor further away and, yeah it's kind of like a going away thing." He said. Camila was heart broken, she liked Luke, she really really liked Luke.

"Good luck, Luke," She said calmly, but he detected a hint in her voice.

"I'm really sorry Camila, but we can still call and Skype, I would love to keep in touch." He said.

"So would I, good luck Luke." Camila said and they shared a brief hug before Luke walked out.


It was a couple hours later and Camila had just woken up from her short nap, awoken by someone tapping her. Lauren.

"Hi Laur, are you alright?" Camila asked but immediately regretted the words as soon as they came out of her mouth.

Lauren just said there and stared at something behind her, and then looked at Camila questionably. The letter.

"Oh that, that's just something you write me, would you like to see it?" Camila asked although she knew Lauren wouldn't respond. She hated having these one sided conversations, but she carried on anyway.

"It was just-um when you told me you loved me." Camila mumbled really fast. Lauren just stared at Camila expectantly, like she actually understood what she said.

"Yeah and ILoveYouTooLauren." She whispered really fast and Lauren's eyes lite up.

"Get some sleep, Lauren." Was all Camila said to stop the conversation.

Camila had to think more. What a rough day she was having. Her first ever crush leaving her, her best friend admitting her feelings for her and lying to her best friend about feeling that too. She wanted her old life back. She missed Lauren and her sleepovers, she missed there midnight feasts. She missed their going to the cinema. She missed them being weird with eachother. She missed Lauren barging on her window every morning so that she would wake up on time for school. She missed Lauren. After she finished reminiscing, an idea shot into her head. She tried to look past it but it didn't work. If she had realised this would have been the worst mistake of her life, I'm sure she would have tried a hell of a lot harder. The idea was stuck there. She didn't think twice-or even once for that matter. She ran down the hospital corridor and out the door. She kept running, running, running. Not once did she look back.

The next thing she knew is that she was gone..

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