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I was sitting on the edge of the bed as Liam came in. I had pretended I was completely oblivious to the conversation I overheard. All I knew was that Liam, being the sweet guy he is, told Harry out of worry.

But seeing that guy would make the pieces that my heart is in break even more.

Thank god I heard Liam's mum say that Harry never came here anymore since Liam quit 'the business'.

"Are you alright, sweetheart?" Liam asked sweetly.

"Yeah, thanks for lending me your shirt," I said back.

"Where do you come from, Camila?" I just giggled at the dirtiness of that statement.

"Oh my god I didn't mean it like that I swear!" He shouted which made me laugh even more.

"Where is your hous-" Liam started but got interrupted by the door being swung open.

Of course, the one and only, Harry styles.

I literally felt my heart drop in my chest as his emerald eyes stared into my soul, staring at all the imperfections, mocking me without saying a word.

"Camila, let's go." The British boy spoke as he reached for my hand.

"No.." I breathed, hardly audible.

"Camila." He said, sternly.

"Harry, YOU KIDNAPPED ME! WHY WOULD I GO WITH YOU!" my anger overtook my shyness as a hurt emotion flashed through his eye.

"Ok," He whispered, hurt.

He walked out slowly, a broken look stitched on his face.


I had always shouted at people, hurt people, rejected people.

But now I knew what it was like to experience it, and damn, it hurt.

I guess karma bit me a little too hard this time.

I was in my car, waiting. I didn't know what I was waiting for, but I just sat there. And slowly I fell asleep, knowing my dreams would be invaded by that pretty face.


He shut the door gently and I heard him make his way down the stairs. He looked down, sad even, but I didn't know why. I was just like another girl he kidnapped. Nothing else, just plain old Camila who has four best fr-

I stopped myself. Lauren! I had been completely selfish I had forgot my best friends injury. The burning pain of paranoia was clawing its way through the pit of my stomach. If only I knew where she was now.......


Lauren had been out of hospital for three days before she had had to go back. She had made no development since Camila had been gone.

Everyone gave up on Camila, she had only been gone for just over three days but everyone was hopeless.

Lauren often fell unconscious at times, so they had made a nurse or family member on watch every single minute she was awake.

"Lauren, are you alright?" Clara asked, stroking her daughters hair.

Lauren nodded, everyone knew she couldn't speak but what they didn't know was that she could think. Her thoughts were drowning in the depths of her head. Guilt. She knew it wasn't her fault for Camila going away, and that she couldn't have done anything to make her stay here, but she still felt guilty.

Clara sighed, she knew how hopeless her daughter was to make it.

But she knew that Camila could fix it..


I followed Harry down the stairs and left Camila to her thoughts. I had never seen Harry that way before, something had changed. Before, Harry would have sex with every girl he hooked up with, and then never speak to them again. He had never been 'in love' with anyone, or got into a relationship. He was more open, he didn't want to be tied down to just one girl. I sighed as I looked around the house, unable to find Harry. Presuming he'd left, I had went outside to see if his car was there. And to my surprise, I saw the dark black Jag sitting on my drive. My mum must have gone out. I laughed at myself for worrying about my mum when I should he worried about this newly found side to Harold Styles.

I ran down the rocky road and into Harry's car. Slowly, but quickly at the same time, I opened Harry's passenger door for myself.

I had looked at the curly haired boys face, capturing the hints that he had been crying, hurtfully.

"Harry," I whispered as I tapped his tense shoulder.

With that, he jolted back into reality and his emerald eyes peered into my darker eyes.

"You alright, mate?" I asked naturally, hoping he would ask me.

"Say it," Harry said bluntly, but fiercely.

"Say what?" I was clearly confused At this stage.

"You and Camila are dating.." He said and turned his head away from me as he shed a small tear down his face.

"Harry, Camila came knocking on my door as I already told you, I've known her for less than a day. Where not going to get into a relationship that quick are we?" I said smoothly, as Harry's angriness seemed to calm down a bit, fortunate for me. Harry mumbled something, barely audible, but I had caught onto what he had said.

"I would have.."


Harry and myself had talked in the car for a while, I was trying to take his mind off the whole incident that happened.


Harry and I both jumped at the sound of this, it was obviously Camila. As I had went to get out, I noticed that Harry was already sprinting down my drive.


Camila. Camila. Camila. Camila. That one word was racing around my head faster than Usain Bolt. I knew I was I was overreacting, she probably had just tripped over. But this distinguish feeling in the back if my mind told me something else.

I sprinted through the front door, thankful that Liam had left it open.

What I had saw will haunt my mind forever.

Countless of bottles of alcoholic smashed up everywhere. It looked as if there was not one space I could step in without getting glass through my shoe and piecing my feet. But that wasn't the worst part, Camila was.

I watched as she chucked another bottle, she was wasted. She was obviously trying to drink away her problems which, quite frankly, I do myself often. It took me a couple of minutes to take in the sight and find the words to speak up.

"Camila! Stop it right now!" I screamed at her. She stopped dead in her tracks and passed out on the spot......

"Harry, what is i-" Liam started but stopped as he saw the unwelcoming sight.

"What did you do!" Liam screeched at me.

"She's fucking wasted, she passed out on the spot."

"Fuck" I cursed myself.

Liam was already one step ahead and was calling the ambulances, how could I let this happen!? If it wasn't for me storming out to my car, Liam wouldn't have followed me, and she wouldn't be in this mess.

Fucking hell, I can't do anything right.

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