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Camila was still silent, so Ally took the opportunity to start again.

"You and Lauren are best friends, you see eachother every minute of everyday, there is no way in hell that you would forget to ask her to bring you to the main event of the year! I'm sure she wouldn't have forgot to ask you either."

Camila sighed.

"Okay, so I...I.." Tears were forcing there way into Camilas eyes, and although she didn't want to, she burst out into quiet sobs.

"Camila, whatever happened between the two of you will solve eventually, you two are literally inseparable! We will talk to her at the party." Ally said with sympathy.

Camila stayed silent for the rest of the journey. Ally had tried to ask Camila what happened but she knew there was no use forcing it out of her.

"Camila, Ally!" Dinah and Normani said in unison as they approached Camila and Ally.

"Where's Lauren?" Camila asked questionably.

"Umm..we thought she was with you two." Normani answered, confused.

The smaller girl immediately saw Camila tense in front of her.

Ally shot her a reassuring look. "Don't worry Camila, she probably just running late, lets go inside."

Camila just smiled, but she wasn't happy. She was feeling guilty, she was thinking that Lauren didn't come because of her. That Lauren is as upset as she was. And it was all her fault, because she decided to snap at Lauren when she was just joking around. She was also confused, why would Lauren not text one of the girls? Maybe she isn't coming for a different reason. Maybe she just fell asleep. Maybe she's running late. Her thoughts were swimming around her head but she couldn't grab onto one, she couldn't pick one that she's sure that happened to Lauren.

Camila was suddenly brought back into reality as Dinah barged into her. Camila hadn't realised how long she had been standing there for, as Dinah was half drunk.

"Are you drunk!?" Camila spat.

"Duhh, Chancho!"

Camila just rolled her eyes at the annoying nickname Dinah had given her.

About half an hour later, Camilas phone vibrated. She felt a surge of excitement through her body, Lauren. The three girls literally watched her jump to get her phone.

"Fuck!" Camila cursed.

It was Dinah. Camila glared at her as she burst out laughing, she was clearly drunk.

"YOu ShouLD HaVE seEn YouR FaCE!!" Dinah slurred.

Camila couldn't take it anymore, she needed Lauren more than anything in the world. She needed her best friend beside her. She stood up and pushed through the crowds of drunken people and made her way out the door. Her house was a good 45 minute walk, but she needed it. She needed to talk to Lauren, to talk things through with her best friend. Quickly, Camila grabbed her phone and called Lauren.

"Hi! Call me back because I'm busy, Bye!" Lauren's voicemail kicked in. Camila tried again.

It rung seven times again until, "Hi! Call me back because I'm busy, Bye!"

By now, Camila was close to her house. After ringing Lauren seventeen times, she had given up.

As she walked in, she saw her mum and her younger sister, Sofi, laying on the couch. Her sister was fast asleep on her mums lap, however her mum was still awake.

"Camila!" She whispered, pointing down at Sofi.


"What are you doing back so early? I though the party ended at one?"

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