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If anyone was confused of anything, I just wanted to say is that basically she ran off, she didn't want to deal with life problems and yeah, happy reading!
Jasmine x


Camila didn't know where she was running to, all she knew is that she was free. No more problems, no more fakeness, no more Camila.


"Thank you for your help, bye," Sinu said into the phone.

"WHERE THE FUCK COULD KARLA BE!?" Alejandro screamed.

Camila had only been gone a few hours but already the police, hospital and anyone they could think of we're involved. Clara, Mike, Taylor and Chris all arrived at around 10 as they do everyday and Camila had been gone. They had asked the nurses if they had seen her and they all said no. They had waited 10 minutes before jumping to conclusions, and finally they had decided to call Sinu. Sinu immediately panicked and arrived there in less that 5 minutes. No one knew where she would be, and why she would go. All they knew is she was gone.



I was running until I saw them. Two men built up holding black sacks. I immediately turned around, but I could never out run them.

Two muscular arms grabbed my wrists and tied them behind my back. They shoved a black bag over my head. I couldn't see, but nor could I think, hear, breathe.

They pushed me into some sort of van and drove. The drive felt like days, but in reality, it was less than an hour.

I was forced out of the van and tied me to a old and, moist chair? Almost immediately my sack over my head was ripped off and I saw the moist liquid that seemed to cover the chair I was sitting on.


I was terrified, but I couldn't show it. I stood my ground as they glared into me, piecing holes into my head.

The two men were hardly visible, but I could faintly make out the brown curly locks on one of the guys head.

"Camila Cabello." The curly haired boy spoke with a thick English accent, "We need answers." He said as he tapped his fingers on the desk.


Lauren had gone home the day after Camila had disappeared. She could barely say anything apart from a few 'Camila?' and 'food' here and there.

The doctors had expected Lauren to have made much more progress than that. Clara was sure it was from Camila's departure, but she didn't say anything.

Camila's family were still on the case to find Camila. She had been gone for only 5 hours, but they couldn't find anything. No note, no mobile phone, nothing. None of them had spoke in a while, Sofi wasn't exactly sure what was going on as Sinu had told her that Camila was on a school trip to stop her from worrying.

"Mommy, why are you crying?" Sofi said as she crawled into her moms room. Sinu hadn't realised that Sofi could faintly hear her as she let out her small sobs.

"I'm just missing Camila, sweetheart." Sinu said through sobs.

"She'll be back soon, Won't she?" Sofi asked, clearly confused.

"Hopefully," Sinu whispered as she crossed her fingers. Sofi was still a little confused but she didn't care.

"I will sing to make you feel better!" Sofi said excitedly. She began singing as Sinu nodded.

Gone ∞ Camren/CamarryWhere stories live. Discover now