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In less than four minutes Clara and the rest of Lauren's family arrived, they were all thrilled with excitement. They all piled in and saw Lauren, but Lauren didn't look at anyone of them. Her eyes were on Camila. Camila didn't know what was going through her head at the time, she didn't even know if anything was going through her head.

After the doctor finished explaining everything to Clara and Mike, everything that he had already told Camila, they came out and had a proper look at Lauren. They were still broken, seeing there 19 year old daughter lying on a hospital bed, not even able to speak. They were really broken. But they still pushed through, they still tried to make everyone feel alright, and try to push the weight off of Camila's shoulders.

"Camila," Clara called Camila. Camila attention was brought off of Lauren and onto Clara.

"Can I speak to you a second?" Clara asked Camila and she quickly nodded her head. Camila wasn't nervous or anything to talk to Clara, it was like she saw her as a second mum. Camila's parents were busy alot of the time and Camila used to talk about things with Clara, when her mum wasn't around.

They both walked outside the hospital room and into a smaller room, preferably for doctors without offices to talk to parents.

"Camila, I just wanted to let you know that Sinu called me and wanted to see if you could come home." Camila just shook her head, she wanted to stay with her best friend. Just as Camila got up to go, Clara grabbed her shoulder gently.

"I've got one more thing to ask." Clara said and Camila nodded again. Camila knew exactly where this was going.

"Why was Lauren even on that road? And how did you even get there if Lauren got injured on the way." Camila tensed.

"Umm..well.." Camila started.

"Camila, this is not a joke, my daughter Lauren is in intense care because of something and I need answers, now. I know that you see me as a mother figure in your life but whatever happens, Lauren is my daughter and she will always be before you."

Camila burst into floods of years and Clara knew not to push her anymore, she knew that Camila couldn't deal with things very well.


It was around midnight and everyone had left. It was just Camila and Lauren. Lauren's eyes were beaming onto Camila, Camila with a small smile on her face, telling her it was going to be alright. Camila looked into her best friends piercing green eyes, she could see past it all, all the fakeness, she knew Lauren was scared, scared what would happen to her, scared if she would make it. Camila did the only thing she could think of to make Lauren feel alright, to put everything aside from her, and that was to sing.

Are you, are you, coming to the tree,

they strung up a man, they said who murdered three,

strange things could happen here, no stranger would it be,

If we met, at mid-night in the hanging tree.

Are you, are you, coming to the tree,

where a dead man called out, for his love to flee,

strange things could happen here, no stranger would it be,

if we met, at mid-night in the hanging tree.

Are you, are you, coming to the tree,

I told you to run, so we'd both be free,

strange things did happen here, no stranger would it be,

if we met, at mid-night in the hanging tree.

Are you, are you, coming to the tree,

wear a necklace of hope, side by side with me,

strange things did happen here, no stranger would it be,

if we met, at mid-night in the hanging tree,

if we met, at mid-night in the hanging tree,

if we met, at mid-night in the hanging tree.

Camila finished singing and gently squeezed Lauren's hand. Camila didn't know why, but she had been obsessed with the song. It was extremely deep and depressive, but the three days Camila had been at the hospital, the song had been on rewind. She related to the last verse the most. 'Wear a necklace of hope, side by side with me' kept replaying in her head. Hope. Camila needed hope. Hope was the only thing that kept Camila going. Lauren's stunning eyes calmly closed. Camila just hoped it wasn't the last time she would see them.

"Camila Cabello?" called one of the doctors. Camila nodded her head once the doctor caught sight of her. He gestured for her to follow him. They both sat down in the familiar desk.

"We were clearing out Lauren's car before it was put in the skip, we have found a few things and we would like to see if you wanted any of them, they are down stairs in reception, just tell her Lauren's name and she'll give them to you." The doctor said, Camila became curious as she knew that Lauren never carried alot of things around, Lauren was a light carrier.

"Okay, thanks." Camila said quietly.

"One more thing, Camila." The doctor started just as Camila had got up, as her attention was on the doctor, he carried on, "thank you for being there for Lauren." He said and Camila furrowed her eyebrows, half because she was not sure what he meant, and halfly out of shock.

"I just think that Lauren has made progress because you've been here, Camila. Your here sticking her broken pieces together and I can see it in you, it hurts doesn't it? But you carry on and I would like to say, thank you. Lauren might not still be here if it wasn't for you. I know, I don't know Lauren personally, but I hate seeing people suffer, and Camila, you take Lauren's suffering away. You take the weights off her shoulders and put them on your own and she may not be thankful for that now, but she will someday. Just don't give up hope, Camila." the doctor said and Camila let out a small tear.

"You are completely right, you certainly have a way with words umm.."

"Luke" The doctor, that Camila now knew as Luke, winked.

"Just thank you, you've definitely made it worth even more now!" Camila said. Luke winked again an it took Camila few seconds to catch up on what just happened. Camila flirted with Luke! Camila blushed as she made her way out of the office and down into reception. Luke looked around 21, and he was flirting with her? What was happening? Camila had never liked anyone before, but she knew she felt something for Luke. Camila wasn't the most popular person, she hanged out with four of her best friends and didn't really get involved with anyone else. Camila had a slight sting in her chest when she realised that Luke had taken her mind off of the throbbing pain inside of her caused by Lauren. Camila tried to clear her head as she told the receptionist Lauren's full name.

In less than a minute the receptionist came back with a few bags, but what caught her attention was a small note. She picked the bags up and carried them into Lauren's room.

'Camila❤' the envelope read in Lauren's writing. Camila slowly placed the bags down and opened the envelope.


Sorry for not updating in a while! But I made this chapter extra long to make up for it!


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