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Camila had been there for two days. Not once had she spoke to anyone, not once had she moved (apart from when Mother Nature called) and not once had her hand disconnected from Lauren's. The bags under her eyes looked like she hasn't slept in a week. She was feeling weak. She could hardly move. Her thoughts just constantly consisted of 'is Lauren going to be alright', she didn't care how she was feeling. Camila couldn't loose Lauren so she was her support, her backbone. Although Lauren was still unconscious, Camila still believed she was helping. When her heart beat slowed down, Camila would squeeze her hand a tiny bit, just so Lauren knew her best friend was there. But Camila didn't have her best friend, Camila's best friend was trapped in a wounded body, trying to escape but finding no way out. For Camila, this wasn't Lauren. It didn't look like her, smell like her, feel like her.

"Lauren.." Camila whispered in Lauren's ear. It came out kind of croaky, as Camila hadn't said anything in days.

Just slightly, Camila felt Lauren squeeze her hand. Camila was frozen, half the time, Camila had just imagined this happening, but right now, it was happening in front of her.

"Camz?" Lauren whispered, her eyes slowly opening.

"Lauren, I'm here for you." Camila voiced sympathetically, although what Camila really needed was someone there for her.

After calling the nurse, Lauren had got some check ups About five minutes in, Lauren's doctor called Camila in.

"Camila Cabello?" the doctor started, Camila nodded.

"As you may know, Lauren has came out of unconsciousness, which is a massive step already!" the doctor exclaimed but showing no emotion in his voice.

Camila was slightly angry at the doctor as he believed that Lauren wouldn't make though this mess, but she held her tongue, he was a professional of course.

"She may experience some side effects," The doctor carried on, Camila already knew this so it was no surprise to her. "One of which is she will have trouble with her verbal consistency." He said as if Camila knew what he was going on about.

"Verbal what?" Camila said, not meaning to come off as rude.

"She will have trouble talking." He rolled his eyes, rudely. Camila knew that he had him dumb it down for her, but she didn't expect him to come off as rude.

"She will not be able to speak consistently, that means tha-" Camila cut him off.

"I'm not stupid, I just don't know everything about mental/verbal conditions." Camila said, rather professionally. He rolled his eyes once more.

"She will also have mood swings,"

"Well she has that anyway!" Camila joked, but the joke didn't have any effect on either of them.

"They can be extremely severe, or it can just be a slight change. She will be given some prescriptions that will make sure she doesn't have them as often. The medicines will make her tired and drowsy, but try not go let her sleep too much because the medicines do not kick in when she is asleep, so when she wakes up she'll be very argumentative." The doctor became silent for a few minutes after that, so Camila started talking.

"Okay, is that it?"

"There is a few more but these tests will determine whether they are true or not,"

Camila thought for a moment, taking everything in. Suddenly something switched inside of her and she realised what he was saying.

"Does that mean that Lauren is going home?" Camila asked, a little bit of emotion filling her.

"Not yet, but she will eventually." Camila sighed, she wanted Lauren back. No, she needed Lauren back.

"How long will that be exactly?" Camila questioned.

"From 2-3 days." He smiled and Camila shot up. She was smiling. She felt good, she felt something! After they exchanged their thank you's, Camila phoned Lauren's mum Clara.

"Hi Clara!" Camila exclaimed, giving Clara the impression that it's good news.

"Camila! How are you? We'll be overin about five minutes, are you that eager to see us?" Clara asked

"Oh yeah I'm alright, nothing much it's just my best friend is awake!" Camila squealed. Clara gasped.

"Thank you Camila! We'll be their in 5!" Clara also squealed, trying to cover her excitement.

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