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Camila felt numb as Ally pulled into Lauren's drive. What were they supposed to tell Clara?

Bang. Bang.

Within seconds Clara had opened the door. As the two girls walked in, they saw Mike, Chris and Taylor all sitting on the couch in distress.

"Camila, I phoned all the girls mums and none of them said they were at Ally's." Clara said.

Camila stayed silent.

"We know where she is, Clara."

Clara let out a breath she didn't know she'd been holding.

"She's in.." Camila started, "" Although the last word was barely audible, Mike and Clara both heard.

Clara and Mike jumped up and got into the car. Chris and Taylor followed behind. Ally and Camila got into Ally's car and they started driving to the nearest hospital. It was a good 30 minute drive to the hospital but they were in so much of a hurry, they arrived in less than 20.

Camila was the first to run out the car and through the hospital doors, Clara right behind her. They cut through all the people waiting to be seen and to the hospital desk.

"Hi I'm Clara Jauregui, please could you give me directions to get to my daughter Lauren?" Clara questioned as Camila got her breath back.

"I'm sorry, but we don't have a Lauren Jauregui checked it." The moody hospital receptionist told Clara and Camila. Camila stepped forwards.

"Lauren Jauregui is here!" Camila shouted. The receptionist was completely blank and Camila took this as an instruction to carry on.

"She was the one who got into the car crash, oh wait sorry I forgot, your too stuck up to give a fuck about people on the news, about twenty year olds nearly dying! Stop being the vain ass you are and show us where my Lauren is!" Camila shouted and nearly all the eyes in the waiting room were on her.

"Look, I don't know where sh.." The receptionist started.

"Well find her!" Camila harshly shouted.

Camila didn't care what everyone thought of her at that moment. She needed to see her best friend and nothing - absolutely nothing is going to stand in her way.

The receptionist got up and scarcely shot in the two doors. A couple minutes later Ally and Mike came in with Taylor and Chris by there sides. At this point, Camila and Clara were becoming impatient when the receptionist came flying out the doors.

"We've found her, you can come this way."

"It's about time." Camila mumbled with a stern look on her face.

The six of them followed the receptionist down the hall until they came to a small room at the very back. The receptionist opened the door and waved her hand, signalling them to go in. Clara mouthed a quick 'thank you' and the receptionist smiled back at her.

The six of them slowly made there way into the room, Camila leading the way.
Camila didn't want to go in. She didn't want to see her friend unconscious. Lauren was never ill, she was always bright and happy. Camila was extremely guilty, she couldn't help think that it was mostly her fault this happened. If she hadn't snapped at Lauren, she would have been coming to pick her up and the route is a completely different way. It all hit her at once, she's the cause of the incident. She's why Lauren's suffering. She's why everyone's suffering. Ally could see the younger girl shaking and grabbed her hand as they walked in the door.

"Lauren.." Camila whispered, floods of tears streaming out her eyes as she saw her best friend in the hospital bed.

Lying in a hospital bed was Camila's best friend, Lauren. She had a massive cut on her left cheek which looked like it needed stitches. She also had a cut on the right side of her forehead which also looked like it needed stitches. her right arm was covered in a bandage from where it had been broken. Her right leg was also in bandages. She had minor cuts all down her body and she looked beat up. She had a black eye which made it even worse. She was still unconscious but you could tell she was in pain. She was in traumatic pain. Camila instantly pulled a chair from the corner of the room and placed it next to Lauren. Camila grabbed Lauren's left hand and squeezed it gently, making sure (even though she was unconscious) that
her best friend was there.

Seven hours later

They had been there for almost seven hours and a couple of doctors had came in, checking on Lauren. Lauren's main doctor, Doctor Lobo, had informed them how serious the accident was and how they are going to treat her. They also said that it was about a nine out of ten chance that she would come out of her unconscious, however some side effects could occur. He didn't exactly know what yet but he was going to find out soon.

"Hey Camz, were all going home, are you coming?" Ally asked Camila.

Camila just shook her head, she owed something to her best friend.

Clara, Mike, Ally, Chris and Taylor walked out the hospital and went home, leaving Camila with Lauren.

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