4. Untat

107 9 0

Again. höhö :D

This time in english, 'cause the questions are in english, too. And I can do it.
So. Jetzt gehts los.

My nickname: i haven't got a nickname :D maybe Onna or something like that

Eyecolor: brown. Boring.

Haircolor: mix betweet blond and Brown. Boring too.

One fact about me: I like Sushi

Fav. Color: dark red

Fav. Place: all in from "in my bed" up to "library"

Fav. Celebrity: Öhm... Marriages (is this a word? I hope so xD)

Fav. Animal: cats, Tigers, lions, stuff like that

Fav. Song: at the Moment "i need a hero"

Fav. Book: do you really ask this? I love books, so I don't answer this. But i like fantasy.

For this it's Mizorika 's turn :*

immer locker bleibenWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt