Chapter Nine; Loosen

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Written; January 4, 2016
Published; January 4, 2016

Vampire Romance Novel; Trial and Error

Caerus POV

I wanted to scream but nothing emerged from my parched throat.

I wanted to cry but nothing dripped from my burning eyes.

I wanted to die but no pain came.

My own blood hates me.

Hates what I've become.

Its not like I could change! I've tried. We've tried. Yet, we both, came up empty handed. Nothing. Absolutely nothing but a book on bloodlust.

Atropos always tried to help but, end the end it wasn't enough.

Tho now I reckon it doesn't matter much. I'm locked in unknown with a shedded dog ready to lunge at its own blood.

Amazing really. How one can turn on you. Even if you have spent your entire life being loved and cared by that individual.

Sure my heart breaks for him, for mum, even for that rotting brat of a 'little' brother. I wasn't born into that family but they've raised me and, whether they like it or not, they are my family.

My body jerks back smashing into a pillar like structure. The chains? My wrist were bound and chained to the same chain as my dad. So when he moved forward I moved back, and vise versa. We have become two in one.

A sick laugh parts my dried cracked lips. 'Boy I bet he likes that.' The sarcasm heavy, even in my thoughts.

"I'll tear you apart!" He screams at me.


"You're a monster!"


"You broke our family!"


"You killed Anna!" His voice cracks as his body slumps down letting me fall to the ground.

Images flash by my closed eyelids.

A beautiful black-headed girl with a lacy white and purple dress.

Her sea green eyes.

Pink heart shaped lips.


Blood drips down her temple staining her pale skin.

I've never seen her so... Broken.

The blood trail drips down sliding down her throat and spreading across the top of her, once beautiful, pale pink dress.

My fault.

Her hair hangs down in waves of depression.

"It's not your fault." She whispers as her body lays against the forest floor.

My tear struck face pleads for her to live. Just a bit longer, at least.

The knife, stuck deep within her stomach, mocked and played with me.

She said she was going for a walk.

After twenty minutes of waiting for my mum to return I, being the ten year old I was, decided I should set out in search for her.

I looked around the house, in the huge backyard, in her painting spot, and finally when I set out to look in the woods I heard a sharp scream. Pain instantly shot throughout me in panic for the only person I'd ever call mom.

My little legs took off. I ran as fast as I could, tripping and stumbling over broken branches and long grass.

My body hurls into a small opening, and there laying in the middle of the clearing surrounded by blue roses is my mum.... With a sharp knife sticking up out of her. The black diamond handle glistening in the afternoon light. Blood oozes from around the blade.

"Mum! No!" The ten year old me cries out.

Anna gives a soft forced smile as my body smashes the ground beside her.

"Mommy!" My little hands wrap around her arm. A life support I've a custom to knowing.

"Its not your fault. I love you Caesar honey. I love you and your brother." Her voice fads. "Tell your dad I'm sorry and I love him to."

"No mum! I need you!" My eyes water.

"Its ok." Her hand comes up in attempt to brush my tears away but mid-way her hand falls and her eyes roll to the back of her head.




The memory quickly disappears.

Later that year I found a note hidden in one of my loose floorboards.

My "mother" took her life that day. She said she couldn't handle it anymore. We weren't meant to be hidden. She said we had powers, more like I had them. She told me about being adopted, how my real mum and dad abandoned me than my real dad died in a house fire. She left all her secrets with me. She even begged in her note for me to not tell Kevin why she left just that she had to. She explained the other world. The supernatural world. She even broke out a secret about how a vampire compelled Kevin into thinking she died differently. The vampire even twisted a memory with Alice's death so he thought she died walking down the steps to our porch.

Most important tho.... She explained to me how Kevin was a werewolf and he didn't know that once I hit the age of eighteen I'd kill my first human for their blood.

She made it clear I had to leave on my eighteenth birthday because werewolves were trained and raised to kill me and my kind.

I went through seven years of trying to control bloodlust. Killing sparely and forcing myself to only feed once a week.

When I gave in to temptation I met Atropos, or A. She took me in and introduced me to how I was supposed to live from the beginning.

She loved me. She became my everything. She's my sister and I'll always protect her.

A soft smile creeps up on my face.

"Atropos will be here soon. You'll be free. I'll be gone, once again. Life shall be better." With that I leaned against the pillar and drifted to a slumber I wouldn't remember the next morning.

Goodbye you terrible people.

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