Chapter Eleven; Corners

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Written; February 8, 2016
Published; February 12 , 2016

Vampire Romance Novel; Trial and Error.

Caesar POV

I wasn't aware of what was happening, hell I wasn't even sure where I was.

It felt as if I was between the worlds of dreaming and the real estate of life.

I vaguely remember a rock hard, musky voice yelling at me to get up. I also remember the sharp tingling pain in my lower back and my thighs towering over me securing me to the concrete ground.

It was cold. Not snow cold but it was bitter against my already frozen skin.

Sure. I was a vampire,
about vampires not being able to feel the bitter cold was utter crap. We always felt the cold aura hanging around our skin and lingering in the corners of our soul

"H-hey." A man's voice croaked out from somewhere in the darkness straight ahead of me.

"Listen, you have to get up and get yourself together. Victor will be back and he'll expect you up." The same voice croaked out again.

Victor? Why does that sound familiar? I wrack my dark visioned brain for any answer or anything that could lead to an answer.


Of course brain! Let me down when I actually need you. Shocker.

"Come on Caerus."

Hey. That's me. Who is speaking to me? How do they know me?

With newly found commitment I blink my heavy eyelids and shove what feels like jello under my body. My arms felt so much like jello I was unsure if it was really my arms until I pushed my heavy body off the ground about an inch.

Yep they're my arms.

With another blink a bright light appears in my line of vision.

'Shit run away from the light!' My brain screamed at me. 'Run, run as fast as you can. You can't catch me I'm the gingerbread man.' My cruel brain laughed and wailed in a way that resembled nails on a chalk bored.

Blinking again and the light disappeared bring an all to new scenery.

The weird dungeon room, as I've come to name it as.

My arms were still tightly strung behind my back around the column and attached to my dad. Well my ex dad? I'm not sure what he is anymore..... So strapped to Kevin.

Kevin gave me a forced slight smile that wrapped around his watery eyes but didn't quite make it in them.

Woah. He smiled. At me? Well he kind of smiled but it was better than lashings and emotional abuse he usually suffered on to me.

The smile faltered as he nods.

"Caerus, get up. You need the time to pull yourself together and recover from the anxiety attack that you suffered from early. That and you did take a rash beating against that column." His croaky voice seized to exist.

With a simple nod I shove myself, with all the force left, into a sitting position with my sweating back into the column.

"Sorry, by the way." Kevin softly states as he puts his own back against his column looking down at a claw scratched ground.

Woah. What. Is. Going. On.

My voice held a tremble I knew would crack if I spoke so I just looked up at him and smiled.

It wasn't the best smile but it was real.

His face lit up but he quickly turns his head to the side so he thought it went unnoticed.

With his shaggy hair hanging down in his face it hid him well. I wish I could adapt to that skill. To go invisible from all the searching eyes.

It's funny how most people who are invisible wish to be seen. Yet, I wish to be hidden. I've met a few like me. People who have been harassed and watched causing them to want to sulk in the dark isolated corner.

Unfortunately, there weren't any open, all invisible corners taken.

Although the corners were taken and I couldn't rewrite my fate things did seem to be looking up. They didn't look up much but if I could have a slight relationship with my dad whom used to love me than you bet I'll jump into that sinking boat to save the crumpled tower. After all, sometimes you have to take what is served or die of starvation.

Authors Note; So I'm sorry for not updating in a little over two months but I had many books that I read and quickly became addict to, so I just had to finish them. Please try and check them out.

1. Demetre by SilentlyDreaming



3. My Human and Abused Mate#Wattys2015 by Never-Stop-Dreaming-

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