Chapter 1

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The judge slammed his little hammer thing onto his desk.

"It is hereby announced that the defendant, Tessa Monroe, is proven guilty and is hereby sentenced to 25 years of prison for the murder of, Jenny Samuels."

Hold on. Let me explain what's happening. My name is Tessa Monroe. I am 17 years old and am currently living in Ottowa, Canada. I have dark brown almost black hair that just comes above my waist. My eyes are a bright emerald green. I'm sitting in an un-comfy chair next to my lawyer, in front of the judge, Judge Paskow. My parents are right behind me. I have been involved with this one gang, the Levys, since I was 15. I have proven my loyalty time and time again by selling their drugs and expecting nothing in return. But this time, they have framed me for the murder of Jenny Samuels. Jenny was actually a friend of mine. They say that I killed her because she was in the way of my drug dealing. In all honesty, The Levys, I'm pretty sure are the ones who killed her, but I have no idea why. I've tried everything in my power to tell them and explain to them it wasn't me, But they won't listen. So now I'm going to spend 25 years in prison for absolutely nothing.

The whole courtroom stood up including me, my parents and our lawyer. My mom, Cassandra, broke into tears and held onto my dad, Dale, for dear life. A tear escaped my eyes and I quickly looked down and used my cuffed hands to wipe it off. I don't like to cry in front of people. I took a deep breath as I saw the cops heading my way. I turned and took a good look at my parents one last time before I headed off to a stuffy jail cell. I briefly had thought that I should fight them, not let them take me, run through my head but I knew it would be no use. The cops appeared beside me and began leading me outside to where a van was waiting. I squinted my eyes at the brightness of the sun. It was mid July. What a way to spent summer vacation. I wonder what my friends would be doing right now? I quickly dismissed the thought because i didn't want to tear up even more.

I blinked away the unshed tears and then noticed all the reports and people surrounding the walkway to the van. I put my head down and let my hair cover my face.

"Tessa!" I herd a familiar voice scream out. My best friends Kayla and Mariah, Mar for short, push through the reporters and run up to me. Before they could reach me the police had grabbed ahold of them.

"Let them go!" I yelled trying to loosed the two policemen's grip on my arms. I looked over to the head officer on my case.

"Please" I begged "just let me see them"

He clenched his jaw.
"Fine. Let those two see her. But only for a minute!" He barked the order at the man and women holding my friends back.

They let go and Mar and Kayla came running hugging me so tight I couldn't breath. But I didn't care. This is the last time I would see my friends outside of my cell. I hugged them the best I could with my cuffed wrists. That's when it happened I broke down crying, this all becoming a horrible reality.

"I will *sniff* miss you guys *sob* so much!" I finally managed to get out.

"Oh Tessa. I know you didn't do it. You couldn't have!" Kayla hugged me even tighter. Mar was crying so hard she couldn't even say a word.

"I love you guys!" I pulled back.

"We love you too" Mar said between sobs pulling me back in for one last hug.

They pulled away and then the two officers grabbed back onto my arms and led me towards the van. I took one last look behind me and took in their appearances in last time. Mar with her gorgeous brown ombré hair and bright blue eyes and Kayla with her blonde hair and almost black eyes.

I looked up to the top of the steps to see my parents crying. It broke what was left of my heart to see my friends and family crying for me. The doors to the van shut and I tried to look out the window the van started up then pulled away leaving my crying friends and family behind.

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