Chapter 7

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"That was epic!" I jump up and down like a fan girl.

"Yea it was" Adam laughs at my excitement.

We just got off the roller coaster after waiting a good 15 minutes in the line up. The ride was so exhilarating and really reminded me of my racing days.

"Wanna go get some food?" I ask Adam as my stomach grumbles.

"Yes! Let's go" Adam grabs my hand and begins leading me towards the food area.

We have been here going on rides for at least 5 hours now. I am starved!

We wait in yet another huge line to get our food. Some lady walks past us carrying a basket of fries and chicken strips. Mmmm it smells so good.

"Why don't you go grab a table and I'll order the food" Adam says.

"Nah ah. I'm paying" I shook my head.

"Tessa" Adam Spoke in a warning tone " The guy is supposed to pay on a date"

"Oh this is a date now?" I gasped

"Well, um, I, Uh" Adam stuttered. It's fun watching the bad boy at a loss of words

"I'm just kidding" I laughed at him

"That's not funny. Can I un-ask you out?" He rolled his eyes

"Nope" I grinned "You're stuck with me for a bit"

"What did I get myself into?" Adam mumbled quietly

"Hey!" I whacked him in the chest "I'm not that horrible"

"Yea you're not that bad" Adam pulled me closer. I leaned into him. "Now go grab a table"

"Fine" I pulled $40 out of my wallet and handed it to him "I'm still paying"

"Ugh you're too stubborn" He groaned and took the money

"Chicken strips and Fries with an Oreo milkshake please" I go on my tip toes and kiss his cheek. I'm 5"6 and I feel real short next to the 6"4 Adam.

I walked away and began to look for a table.

"Wow. You listen to me and leave my boyfriend alone, but now you're going after my cousin" A voice that could be no one other than Viktoria spoke from behind me.

I groaned and rolled my eyes. I turned around slowly trying to control myself and not punch her. Wait.... Adam is her cousin?!?!?

"I don't like your 'boyfriend'" I used my fingers as quotation marks.

"I'm sure you don't" she sassed "FYI my cousin doesn't date so don't bother wasting your time, besides you'd have no chance anyways" she smirked at me and it took all I had in me to not laugh and slap her

"Well a little FYI" I quoted her "I'm dating your cousin" I smirked at Viktoria and her jaw dropped to the ground

She quickly composed herself "Well, you're ugly"

"Wow, what a good comeback." I applauded her shaking my head.

"Urg!" she shrieked then stomped away in her 6" heels and tight short skirt. I'm surprised she didn't break a heel, stomping away like that.

I chuckled to myself and continued my search for a table. I spotted one and practically ran over to claim it. I sat down and pulled out my phone. I opened snapchat to find I had 4 snaps from Kendra, Landon, Brad and.. ew, Colton. How'd he even get my snap? i opened all of them except the one from Colton. I replied with a simple picture of the food court area thing and added the filter for the Boardwalk. I was interrupted my instagramming by Landon calling me.

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