Chapter 2

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I woke up to the sound of a child crying. The flight was due to land in about one hour. I decided to read up about this new me. I pulled out the paper my mom gave me and began reading

Name: Tessa Marie Hall
Date of birth: July 7th, 1999

Tessa for this to work you must play the part. You must dress appropriately. You are needed to blend in with the crowd. You come from a rich family and your parents are very successful lawyers and doctors. The reason you moved is because your parents got a job transfer. Yes it may be hard to blend in while you're rich but I know you can do it. You must not let anyone know about this arrangement. I wish you the best.
-Officer Duncan

Thoughts kept running through my head so fast I couldn't even understand them myself. I took a deep breath to calm myself down. I folded up the paper neatly and placed it back into my purse. I rested my head back against the headrest and looked out the window.

We were starting our slow descend I saw the bright city lights in the morning darkness. It. looked beautiful.

"Please buckle your seatbelts and turn off your electronics as we prepare for our descent" a woman's voice came over the speaker.

I buckled my seat belt and turned off my phone. Minutes later we hit the runway as came to a smooth stop.

The first class got off first and I headed to the conveyor belt to grab my luggage. I quickly spotted my large suitcase and ran over to grab it. Officer Duncan had told me that there would be a person from the FBI to pick me up. I looked around until I spotted a tall, bulky man in a sharp black suit holding up a sign with the name 'Tessa Hall' on it.

I made my way over him.

"Miss Hall" he greeted me grabbing my large suitcase and putting it into the trunk of a 2015 black Dodge Charger.

"Um..." I started.

"Yes you can sit in the front." He said smiling as if he read my mind.

I opened the passenger door and jumped into the black leather seat, buckling myself in.

The man stabbed the keys into the ignition and the sat roared to life.

"I'm Agent Hale. But you can just call me Hale or Jake" the man said.

I think I'm gonna call him Jake. "Nice to meet you Jake" I said offering him a smile. I was trying really hard to be nice and not my normal cold hearted self.

He smiled in return then turned his eyes back to the road.

"Are you the agent assigned to my case here?" I asked him with my eyebrows raised in curiosity.

"Yup" he nodded

"Well, that's cool" I said staring out the window at the busy streets with people racing to get to work on time.
"Where are you taking me?" I asked Jake.

"I" he paused "am taking you to your new house"

I didn't reply. After a while the roads calmed down an there was not as many cars. We had been driving for approximately 25 minutes. Now we were driving along a beach the waves were crashing down and the sunrise was like a fairy tale. It was gorgeous, the oranges, red and yellows mixed together to create a perfect looking sunrise.

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