Chapter 4

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I sat in my English class staring out the window. It's been one week since I've been in California. Most of this week I had hung out with Kendra, Stella and Brad. Natalie was off probably screwing random guys. From this week I've known her I know she's a total hoe. I had learnt that Kendra and Brad have been dating since freshman year. They are literally the cutest couple ever. We had gone to a little cafe along the beach most days. I still haven't gone to the beach yet but I was going to go today with Adam.

Adam and I have been texting back and forth for the whole week. He is so nice and easy to talk to.

Kendra elbowed me. I looked over and she glanced over at the teacher.
I looked up at the teacher and he looked at me expectantly.

"Tessa, what do you think?" The teacher asked me probably repeating his question.

"I think this is utter bullshit" I mumbled incoherently

"About the book" Kendra whispered

"I think the book is okay so far" we were reading some book about a person on the run from a gang. It reminded me that the Levys were still going to be looking for me. "I feel bad for the guy. He didn't do anything wrong but he's still being chased. He doesn't even remember anything
so why should he have to suffer. I personally don't think he murdered that guy" I finished

"How do you think he feels?" Mr. I-forget-his-name asked me

"Probably confused, a little hopeless, angry, and probably depressed. He just got mixed in with the wrong people. Most of the time I bet he fights himself on whether he should just let them kill him or if he should keep fighting to prove his innocence" I understood the feelings completely.

"Interesting thoughts" Mr. Uh... Vaneeto said before going onto the next person. Ya I'm bad with names.

The bell rang and I packed up my things. I waited at the door for Kendra.

"So... Whatcha doing after school?"
Kendra asked as we began heading to my locker.

"I'm gonna hang out with Adam at the beach" I said as we reached my locker

"What?!" Kendra shrieked as I was dialling my combo into my lock.

"You are hanging out with, Adam. The hot bad boy who never talks to anyone unless it's his two best friends" Kendra's voiced dropped down a whisper.

I acted like I was thinking about it "uh... Yup. I guess" I mumbled the last words.

"No freaking way. My best friend is 'hanging out' with the bad boy of the school. I can't believe that the good girl is hanging out with the bad boy" Kendra started pacing

I held back a laugh. If only she knew she would not be calling me a good girl.

"Let's go to English" I said grabbing Kendra's arm and dragging towards her locker to grab her biology binder.

"What are you going to wear?" Kendra asked looking at my outfit which consisted of jean shorts and a blue Lululemon tank top and silver sandals.

"Uh.. This. We're just gonna go to the beach." I said as Kendra got her biology binder out.

"Wow. Your hanging out with the bad boy." She said still surprised.

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