Chapter 8

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I jump up and fall halfway off my bed. I hear a laugh come from the opposite side of me. I try to pull my top half back onto my bed. I fail miserably and my legs fall off causing me head butt the floor.

"You've already missed first class" a deep voice said.

I look up from my spot on the floor to see Brad looking down at me.

"What are you doing here? How did you get into my house?" I ask him confused on how he even knew where I live.

"Kendra is downstairs. You didn't answer any of the thousand texts and calls from Kendra, also Colton and None of our friends knew where you were so Kendra being her worrisome self wanted to come over and check up on you make sure you weren't kidnapped or dead. She tried to wake you up for 5 minutes but you didn't move a muscle and she's nursing a horrible hangover. So I woke you up" Brad smiled smugly at the end of his paragraph. "I win. Kendra didn't think I could wake you up"

"Ugh" I groan and pull myself off the floor.

"Now get dressed and we will meet you downstairs in 10. Let's get to school for lunch"

"Yes mom" I grumble at him. He chuckles to himself as he leaves my room.

I pulled on jeans and a pink flowery crop top that makes me want to puke. It's so... Pink and flowery. But I have to be Tessa Hall all colourful and cheery.

I brush my hair, teeth and put on some mascara then go downstairs.

"Urgggg why do I do this to myself"

I laugh at Kendra, who's face first into a pillow that's making her words muffled. Brads just sitting on the couch patting her back thing to hold in his laughter.

"Morning Kendra" I said very cheerfully just to annoy her.

"Stop being so happy" she mumbled sitting up. "Never let me drink again" she flopped back into the couch.

Brad and I both laughed knowing she would probably be going to another party tomorrow. Kendra sure loved her parties.

"Come on K. Let's get back to school. You'll feel better later" Brad spoke soothingly to her trying to coax her into getting up.

"I'll meet you guys in the car" I grabbed my bag and my phone and got into the backseat of Kendra's car

I checked my phone to find 43 snapchats, 27 missed calls from Kendra, 3 calls from Landon, 5 from Stella, 19 from Natalie and texts from all of them including Colton and Adam.

Coltons text I ignored so I opened Adams.

'Haven't seen you at school today. You okay?'

Awww he was worried about me. What a good boyfriend.

'I'm fine I just slept in. Thanks for asking'

I locked my phone and waited for Kendra and Brad. My front door opened and Kendra and Brad came walking out. My phone started ringing and I looked at the caller ID and smiled answering it.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2017 ⏰

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