Chapter 6

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I slammed my foot down on the gas pedal. The wheels spun, I shot out from the starting line a millisecond behind Hollis. I pulled up alongside him, our cars almost touching. As soon as I pulled slightly ahead, Hollis pulled slightly ahead of me. That went back and forth until we were almost at the barrel. I let my foot off the gas and Hollis pulled ahead. I noticed in his two races before that he always drifted wide enough for another car to pull through if they made a perfect drift, which was very difficult, especially on this road. I pressed on the gas and slowly began to catch up to Hollis. He hit the drift very wide this time and I decided that my signature move would fit better. I touched the brakes and pressed the gas and shifted into reverse. I was ahead of Hollis now. Going backwards...

I looked behind me and sped up. The pedal was to the floor now. And I was gaining more space by the second. I looked through the windshield at Hollis smirking. He glared at me then hit the steering wheel causing him to lose a bit of control. He gained control back. I crossed the finish line then span my car around. Hollis followed about 8 seconds later. I got out of my car and made my way over to Martin to collect my 40 thousand dollar winnings. Hollis angrily got out of his car and slammed the door. He stomped his way over to me, the crowds parting to let him through.

"You cheated!" He yelled at me. "No way could a newbie beat me without messing with my car!"

I carelessly looked at my nails. "I never said I was a newbie. They all just assumed I was"

"You" he growled "Cheated. I want my money back"

"No" I deadpanned with a glare.

"Right now!" He yelled pushing me back.

"You really think I would give you your money back. I won fair and square." I stood up and brushed off the dirt.

I stepped forward closing in. I clenched my fists preparing to punch.

"Oh little girl. If you haven't noticed me and my boy, Adam, rule here. If we ask we get it." He smirked punching me in the stomach. I doubled over but quickly recovered. I aimed a punch towards his face but he blocked it and I sent a well aimed kick to the back of his knees he dropped to the ground. His friend came and grabbed me from behind. Hollis slowly stood up then cracked his knuckles. He punched me in the stomach and prepared for another punch.

"Stop" a deep voice bellowed from the crowds. Everyone parted revealing Adam walking quickly towards us.

The guy holding me let go and I dropped to the ground blood pooling from a small cut above my brow. I stood up putting my hand to my forehead and looking at the blood.

"Don't touch her again. She won fair and square." He seethed at Hollis

Marcus brought my money over and I got back into my Ferrari.

"Hey." He said softly, stopping the door from closing. "I'll meet you at my car" he gave me a peck on the lips then closed my door and started back towards the parking area.

I fired up my car then drove off. Leaving a pissed Hollis behind me.

I parked my car beside Adam's Skyline. I got out shaking slightly on my left leg. That really hurt when that friend of Hollis' kicked me in the knees.

Two big, warm arms wrapped around my waist, and I automatically wrapped my arms around his neck. I don't usually like to hug, but I could get used to this.

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