Chapter 5

44 2 5

Ferrari 458^^

Where the fuck are we supposed to go?!? I decided on the games room which had a 110" flatscreen tv, wii, PS4, Xbox and Xbox Kinect. There was an air hockey table, pool table, foosball table and a ping pong table along with corner of bean bags. There was also cupboards with more food like chips and crackers, also a mini fridge with drinks in it.
I walked over over to the fridge and grabbed a water.

"Want anything?" I asked Colton who followed behind me.

"Uh a water" he said. His eyes were wide in awe like all the other people who have been here. As in Kendra and Adam.

I grabbed out two waters and brought a bean bag chair over to the couch where Colton was standing. I fell backwards into the chair and handed Colton his drink.

"You gonna stand there all night" I questioned him

He just realized that he was gawking at my house so he had to come back with a total player remark "If it means I get to spend more time with you, sugar tits"

"Really back at it again with the sugar tits" I stared at him with a blank expression.

He kept up his smirk and sat down. "So... Tell me about yourself"

"Ummm... I'm Tessa Hall. I just moved from Ontario. I love Doritos." I said while stuffing more Doritos into my mouth.

"Any sports?"

"I used to play ringette until I moved here. But not here yet." I replied smiling at the life I used to have before I got involved with the Levys. My twin and I played until she was killed in a hit and run while she was walking home. I decided to skip school that day with my boyfriend at the time. If I hadn't have skipped we would've gone to the ice cream shop after school then she wouldn't have been hit.

"Hm. Favourite car"

"Mustang Shelby GT500 SuperSnake" that was the car I used for my racing.


"One" I paused realizing what I said "none" I said quickly

"What do you mean?" Colton asked

"I have none. I accidentally said one." I lied easily. "I just always have called my best friend my sister." I added at the look of scepticism on Colton's face.

"Current favourite song"

"Flights by: Jack and Jack"

"How many boyfriends have you had"

"2" was all I said. I never really dated anyone because I was always busy with the Levys.

Luckily he didn't ask more, realizing I didn't want to talk about it.

"You ask me now" Colton said

Oh god. I'm bad at conversations.

"Uh... Favourite colour"

"Red or blue"

"Um... Um..." Ugh I can't think of anything "Drinks" I blurted out

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