Chapter 2

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              Ten minutes has passed, the rain had not let up in any way, you are so tired, you lean your forehead to the tree, holding your laptop case between you and it. You begin to drift to sleep, mainly from the cold. It is at that moment that you hear a car pull up beside you and stop. The light from the headlights fills the entire right side of your vision. You're heart starts to race, strange people are out this late. Maybe they didn't see you...? "Stay still!", you tell yourself, "Maybe they won't see you!" .However, the question was answered when you could faintly hear the window roll down, and you turn your head slightly to see the vehicle, which is black. You can tell there are at least two, seeing as one was in the passenger seat. The driver calls to you,he says " Hey! It's raining! Do you have a ride?". You turn fully to the car, still terrified at being cornered by at least two men in the dark, all alone.

You swallow your fear and call back as confident sounding as you can, and failing, since it was blatantly obvious you had been crying, " I'm..m fine. Just.. taking a break..." You hear another voice, which is garbled to the point to which you can't quite understand what they are saying, but it is not the driver, or the passenger, since they did not move. After the garbled voice spoke, the passenger turned to talk, and was slightly clearer than the other voice, and said " We can't just leave her in the rain! " the passengers voice was surprisingly very Irish, and you could see it turn back to the driver and said to him" Ask the lass again! Maybe she'll change her mind." The driver calls to you again, " It's not a good idea to be out in the rain like this!". The driver is shouting to be heard over the rain, which is coming down hard nothing else but the contact of water and pavement can be heard. Against your better reasoning, you decide to walk up to the window of the car, leaving behind the shelter you had under the tree. As you walk closer, the lights from the dash and radio allow you to see the people inside more clearly. The driver has very short hair, and is wearing glasses. He has a purple shirt on with what looked like a pair of headphones with a word beneath it that you could not make out.

In the passenger seat, sits a small, slim, excited looking man. On his head he has a grey hanna hat, from under which a tuft of green hair pokes out. You cannot quite make out his clothing, but he is wearing a hoodie which appears to be blue.  At that moment a face pops in from the back seat, looking very intrigued at the fact there was a sopping wet young lady outside of their vehicle clutching a laptop case. This new face however, was much kinder looking. It was perfectly shaped with a strong jaw, and slight stubble. This man had blue hair as well, so you assume that those two had lost a bet, and were stuck with colorful locks. You could not see beyond his face, but you could see that he was short as well. The driver was much taller than those two.

"Um.. Miss?" the driver says to you, pulling you out of your stupor. You snap back to reality, and give him your attention. He looks back at the other two, then back to you and he says in a concerned voice "We really don't feel comfortable leaving you out here in the rain. Can we call someone? Do you need a ride? Do you...were you crying?" He noticed how red your eyes and face were, which you wipe.You mumble back nervously "I'm fine...and I would just get your seats wet". The passenger is now eagerly trying to get a word into this conversation, he pipes in " We really don't mind ya know, they're just seats anyway, we might even be headed the same way. " His face is wrapped thickly with sympathy, and looked almost as eager as a puppy dog with a new toy.

Tired and cold, your judgement had been mostly forgotten, and all you wanted to do was to escape the cold and be home comfortable in your bed. Where most people would be wary, and politely refuse, you give in. Looking around nervously, you wiggle your feet and finally say " Sure, I guess. Thank you"The Irishman lights up, and you notice the man from the backseat hasn't said a word. Instead he has been staring at you as if he were taking a mental picture. " I'm Bob, by the way." says the driver, as he sticks out his hand. You jump slightly, but you return his grip. " Well why are you still out there? Get in!" You walk around to the other side of the car and pull open the back right door. The man has scooted over to the other window and is watching as you get in.You feel like a crazy lady as you buckle the seat-belt. What on Earth are you doing? Who gets into a car at night with three strange men? What is wrong with you? Bob asks " Everybody buckled up?" "Yes sirree, Bob!" Says the passenger, quite pleased with his pun. At that moment you learn that the man beside you has a voice. "I'm buckled in, Bob.". Bob nods and looks to you through the rear-view mirror and says " How about you Miss?" You nod, and the car is moving. Bob asks for your address and you give it. " You live in that part of town?" The passenger asks, sounding worried. Your home is not in the best neighborhood,where gangs frequent the alleys, and it was possible to be robbed,or worse, at any moment. But this was what you could afford, you would move away if you could, but you couldn't.

The passenger turns to you and says" My name is Sean! But you can call me Jack!" His enthusiasm is for some reason entertaining, and you can't help to smile. This seems to make him even more enthusiastic, making him grin wider "There's a better face! You look much more adorable with that smile! Which I didn't think was possible!" You blush, he's very sweet! But still, he's a stranger. It could be an act... Sean looked as if he was about to say more, but once again the man beside you finally decided to pitch in to the conversation. "I'm Mark. Nice to meet you." He seemed sort of miffed as he said it, but you brush it off as you are now fascinated in the no longer seemingly-mute man. Bob looked up and said "We are about 10 minutes away, just letting you know."

Finally feeling off-edge, you try to strike up a conversation with Mark, who for some reason fascinated you, you decide to ask the basic conversation questions. "So, uh, what do you do for a living?" You ask. Mark turns back you from the window and looks a bit nervous about answering. " I, uh, work from home. In a, uh... office ." He says this is a strange tone, as if he were worried about you knowing what he does for a living. Sean, or, Jack, turns his head with a weird look on his face to Mark, who only stares back. Bob seems completely zoned out as he is focused on the road. It seems as if they are having a mental conversation, and a look of apprehension crosses Jack's face. Mark clears his throat, you look away from Jack to focus on him. " And what do you do for a living Miss...what's your name?" He asks with interest.

"My name is Amber." You respond. "What a gorgeous NAME!" Jack practically shouts. He's very loud.Mark seems to have finally become less shy along with you, and agrees with Jack. Wow, these three are so kind, you think. "Well you see," You say. "I work a day job at the Dollar Store down the street as a cashier. But I'm trying to get fully involved in YouTube as a vlogger" This seemed to completely shock them, and were then torrented with questions. "What do you vlog?" "Do you game?" "What's the name of your channel?" The next ten minutes was probably the best time you had in awhile. Talking about YouTube, but you noticed they seemed to know an awful lot about YouTube for just average days jobs. These three just seemed to radiate an energy of love and compassion. They were interesting and freaking hilarious. You laughed more than you could remember you had in a very long time.

However, all good things must come to an end. The car pulled up to your disheveled apartment building. It was not completely decrepit, but obviously not well maintained. As you go to exit the car, Mark hurriedly pipes out "Wait! You never gave us your channel name.". "Yeah!" Jack shouts. "Let's hear it!" says Bob. You smile, very pleased they seemed interested. "It's Amberhour. " You say through a smile. "And I was wondering..." Mark says shyly "Would you mind sharing numbers? Maybe hang out more". Jack seemed a little disgruntled that he had not had the opportunity to ask first, but agreed. "It's not safe here. We might stop by sometimes to check on you, Amber. We only live about a half hour away anyways.To make sure you are still ok and safe, you are to good a person to be left unprotected." Mark says smiling. You trade numbers with all three of them, quickly adding them to your contacts. "We will be sure to check out that channel of yours!" Jack says. As you climb out of the car, you stop again. "Hey! Before you leave, selfie? For my channel, to show off you cool dudes!" They eagerly agree" Selfie time!" Shouts Jack. Pulling out your phone, you snap the selfie, wish them goodbye, and wave as they drive off. Sighing with happiness at being home, you hurriedly pace into the apartment, not wanting to be apart from your bed longer than needed.   

A Walk in the Rain (Markiplier x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now