Chapter 13

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You lean back in your chair and sigh.
That was truly a delicious meal. "Mark,you don't lie. That may have been the best thing I have ever eaten." He grins, "Thank you. I'm glad you liked it." After everyone has finished their meal, the dishes are whisked away to the dishwasher, and everyone returns to the living room. Its about 8 now, but no one acknowledges the time. There is a very brief silence before Jack says "How about a good old game of Cards Against Humanity?" The suggestion was greeted with agreement. "I've seen it played online but never played it myself." You say. Matt smiles and says "Be prepared to see the darkest side of each other." The four of you situate yourselves on the floor as Mark pulls the card game out of the cabinet. Mark shuffles the cards, and gives everyone their hands. He flips the black card, which reads " What don't you want to find in your Kung Pao chicken?" He leans back and waits for the white cards to be laid down. Ryan takes one look at his cards before giggling insanely. He places the card face down. Jack is next as he smiles giddily, proud of his card. Looking through your cards, only one seems to fit. You place that down. Matt places his last, but it seems it was just a throw-away card, because he does not let out a single giggle or smirk at all. "Everyone ready?" Mark says as he begins to flip over the white cards one by one. The first was " a "one in a million" tumor", which got a slight giggle out of you and Jack, but it wasn't that funny. The second was "Penis pendants", which gets a laugh out of Jack,Mark, and Matt. Third was "bomb grade uranium", too which no one laughed. That must have been Matt's. One card was left, and Ryan was staring at it with anticipation. That must be his. Mark flips it, and reads it aloud. "Kung-Pao chicken". Ryan looses it, along with everyone else. "What on Earth, Ryan?! What does it even mean? Why wouldn't you want Kung-Pao chicken in the Kung-Pao chicken?" Mark says. You just laugh and shake your head. Ryans card wins. You laid down the One in a million tumor. The rounds continue, but you are getting tired. Your eyelids are heavy, and you begin to yawn. You try to stay engaged in the game, but end up drifting off to sleep. They were getting tired too. Matt ended up laying down to play, but only drifted off to sleep. Intending to stay awake, you roll onto the couch to watch the game. Everyone is getting so sleepy that the cards begin to make less and less sense. You try to fight the weight of your eyelids, but close them for a second. Telling yourself that you are only closing your eyes and will continue to listen to them playing the game. But sure enough, sleep takes you and wraps it's self around you. There you were. Asleep on Marks couch. The boys contemplated waking you, but ultimately decided against it because everyone else was to tired to take you home. Therefore you spent the night peacefully sleeping on the couch with a blanket that Mark gave you. It was probably the best sleep you had had since you first got to L.A. It was difficult to sleep in the apartments. They didn't feel like home. But just being around Matt, Ryan, Mark, and Jack helped you feel so much more comfortable. They went to bed, leaving a dim light in the kitchen on in case you woke up. The next morning, you woke up around 6, to the smell of coffee and conversation. You lay there a while, thinking over your dreams. Dreams of peace, pastel colors, and happiness. It was relaxing in the early morning light, the coffee smelled so good, and the air was the perfect temperature. You really felt at home here. Wait a minute. You were still here?

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