Chapter 16

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Monday drags by. Time seems to crawl as you watch the clock, the hands taking their sweet time to waltz around the face. Nothing out of the ordinary happens, except for the spectacular sunset as you take your evening walk home. It had an orange epicenter where the sun had sunk below the horizon. Pink steaks painted the sky above it. Passing a restaurant, you decide you would like to eat out for once instead of microwaving a meal. You walk in, and take a seat in a booth. It was a country style restaurant, similar to Cracker Barrel. After perusing the menu, you make a decision on a meal and wait to order. As you wait for the waiter to come take your order, you pull out your phone and scroll through Twitter. Getting bored very quickly, you open messenger. Your eyes pass over you and Marks conversation, and you decide to shoot him a quick message.

A: Hey! What's up?

You send the message and put your phone on the table face down as you wait for a response. Almost the moment you set it down, the phone vibrates. Quickly picking it back up, you swipe to open it.

M: hi! Just finishing up planning out this weeks schedule. You?

You respond:

A: that sounds interesting lol. I decided to go out to eat at (*restaurants named*)

M: I can't wait to see you again tomorrow! I'm trying to plan something fun to do, I was thinking Overwatch?

A: that sounds great! Except I don't have it

M: I figured that you didn't, so I got it for you!

You were surprised. Overwatch was like 60$. He didn't need to spend so much on you! Sometimes it bothered you when people bought things for you. You didn't like being treated like a charity case, always needing money or food. You didn't need people to financially help you.

A: oh wow! You didn't need to do that for me. I could have bought it

M: no it's ok! I wanted to get you something

A: well thank you. A lot. I really appreciate it

M: no problem, also I've gotta go. China needs a bath. I hope you enjoy your dinner and I'll see you tomorrow!

A: ok! Have fun giving Chica-Bica a bath!

As you send the last text, out of the corner of your eye, you see the waiter approaching with your food. You thank him, and begin to eat.

You finish, pay for your meal, and head home. It was around 8. You begin your nightly routine of showering, changing into pjs, and getting on your laptop. You watch several videos on YouTube, including the boys recent uploads. One of Marks was a vlog with Jack, talking about their plans for the coming weeks. They were going to do challenges, games together, and more creative ideas. As the video is about to end, Mark says " Before we go, many of you have been asking about the selfie on Twitter the other day. The mystery Lady. She is our new friend!" Mark doesn't say much besides that, he doesn't say your name and reminds them of your channel. The video ends, and you close your laptop. You rub your eyes and stretch. Standing up, you grab your laptop and plug it in. You double check the lock on the door, and go to your room.  You slide between the sheets and drift off slowly to sleep.

A Walk in the Rain (Markiplier x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now