Chapter 6

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    "Hello Everybody, my name is Markiplier and welcome to Reading Your Comments!" That was definitely him. He had that same kind voice, same face, and of course the same brightly colored hair. You decide to continue watching the video, so you lock eyes with the screen and focus. Ready to figure out who this man was, and what he had to do with your sudden jump of subscribers.

He looks down, at what you assume is his phone, and reads off a question that has been asked of him form either YouTube comments, Twitter comments, or other social medias. The  question has been cut and blown up along the top of the page. It asks " Markiplier if love was a fruit what kind would yours be? P.S. I LOVE YOU! <3<3<3" He stares at the phone for a second then looks at the camera with a solemn gaze" A tomato." He says. The video then jumps to the next question, which was quite ridiculous, as were most of the others. About five minutes in, there is a question that asks: "Do you have any other channels to recommend we watch?" Mark shouts "NO! Only watch my channel! Do not sink low enough to watch other scum's videos!". The video cuts again to Mark, who calmly says "Seriously, I recommend Bob and Wade. The Game Grumps. And this new channel called Amberhour.".

Mark gives the camera a devilish grin that says he knows something that you don't. "The link to these channels can be found in the description below. Thanks, and as always, I will see YOU, in the next video! Bye-bye!" The video is over, except for links to other videos and channels. You were completely stunned. You had been in the same car as a person with almost eleven million subscribers. And they had given your channel a shout out. That must have been where the massive influx of subscribers had come from. Even though you were happy to have so many subscribers, you were a little miffed that it was only because you had been shouted-out to. 

Would the quality of your videos not be enough for the massive amount of people watching you now? You weren't ready! Rubbing your eyes, you look at the clock. Five-thirty. You decide that now would be the best time to make a video. For your now gigantic following... " Grabbing your phone, you begin to record "Happy one million subscribers! Wow! I literally had twenty just this morning! I am aware that this is due to a shout-out from Markiplier. But it's great to have you all a part of this family now! I don't have a regular video release schedule,but I guess I'm going to need one soon. I might be able to quit my job. Which is insane now that I think about it." You talk for a little while longer, about goals and what to expect from the channel. You wrap up your video and post it. Just in time to be getting a phone call.

Checking the caller Id, you see it's him. Mark. You steel yourself, and finally gather the courage to answer it. Bringing the phone to your ear you say "H...hello?" You pause waiting for a response. "Hello there, Amber. I hope I'm not interrupting anything important? I was calling to ask how you were dong." You sigh internally, trying to decide if you should wait for him to bring if his channel of if you would have too. "I'm doing great,actually!" t this  morning I had only twenty subscribers, but since then to now it has somehow shot up to one million! Do you have any idea how this could have possibly happened?" You question, hoping for him to tell you without you having to pry. There was a pause. Was he holding is breath?

You were about to speak again when he finally spoke up. "Maybe you're just a really good YouTuber." He sounds nervous, his voice tight. "Well, I guess that's a possibility..." Apparently you were going to be getting the truth the hard way. "Um Amber, I actually called to see if you wanted to meet up with Jack and I this weekend? Maybe get to know each other a little more?" That was unexpected. "Sure, why not? When and where?" You might as well go, it wasn't as if you had anything better to do.

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